Still slow going. I'm giving myself a free pass for not working out for the past several days due to this cold/sinus thing that is continuing to linger. But I promise I will get back into it soon!!
People: I got to see my mom briefly at story time today. She went to get Squeak from school and the two of them spent the afternoon together.
Places/Activities: This morning Avy had his PT and OT. He is doing so amazing. He even put weight on his legs today and lifted his legs up and down. It was wonderful. I'm so proud of all the progress he has been making lately. If he was evaluated again today, he would not qualify for services. It seems like such a minor thing - having two people come and spend just 30-45 minutes with him every two weeks. But it has really made a huge difference. Even after they leave, it seems that he has already caught on to the new things that he was taught. As a parent, I cannot stress enough the importance of early intervention. If you think there is an issue with your child's motor skills, speech, muscle tone, etc., don't hesitate to contact your doctor, child's teacher, or call Infants and Toddlers on your own if you feel the issues are not being addressed (if they are in the younger age bracket). This is a free service for kids and is available through each county. I wasn't sure if I was overreacting as a parent due to my background in education, but I'm so glad I made the call, was actually very surprised that he qualified and sad by how behind he was when he was evaluated at 7 months of age. He went from functioning at a 3-4 month old age (half of his actual age) to now being right on target. I'm just so happy and pleased with his progress.
The babies and I met up with my mom at story time today. They do so enjoy their time at the library. You can watch their faces light up and little Puff is always commenting or giving her little delighted chortle about whatever song or book is being read. It's the sweetest thing.
The rest of the day was spent reading, playing, and I really don't know what else. The days are going so very quickly and I find I have very little to show for it. The tv is never on during the day, I don't hang out and eat bonbons, I didn't cook today…. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive.
Good Deeds: This isn't so much a good deed as it is just being mindful… Today was the second time in a row that we have gone to the library where the person in front of me allowed their child to push the fire button which automatically triggers a call to 911. The last time we were there the firefighters and paramedics were already there. This time I was getting into the elevator after the mom was exiting nervously laughing that her toddler had pushed the fire button. It was surprising because the 911 operator immediately got on the speaker and asked for the emergency. I stepped in and told her there wasn't one. I did mention to the librarian today though that they might want to start making an announcement at the end of story time to those parents who bring strollers and use the elevators to make sure their toddlers are secure and do not press the elevator buttons. You would think it would be common sense, but you would also think that it would be common sense not to put a fire button at eye level of a toddler in an elevator with no protected covering on it for toddlers to access.

I used some of the organic button mushrooms I bought from the Rooster & Hen store last night in an omelet for D this morning. Omelets are kind of a specialty of mine.
Chores: Mowing the lawn - yeah! I felt good enough to get out there and get it done tonight. Thank goodness. There won't be too many more lawn mowing days ahead this season. Maybe one or two more, and then just raking leaves.
Also bathing babies and cutting fingernails. YES. Clipping fingernails is a CHORE. It took me 30 minutes to clip 20 fingers and 20 toes today.
Reading: I'm very close to being finished with Moby Dick, but am not quite finished yet. Soon!
Random Thoughts: Pet etiquette. Petiquette. Need I say more? Yes, apparently I do. Kids, when you eventually break your mother and I down by begging for a dog, please know that you will have certain responsibilities for that dog. And yes, I know this is going to happen because I did it to my own parents when I was around 4 or 5. I begged for a cat, then a dog, then a mouse, rat, cow, horse, etc. until finally my parents promised that if we ever got a fence, we would get a dog. Well when I was almost six, my parents put up a fence. First words out of my mouth were, "where's my dog?" This is also a lesson in that whatever you say to your own children… they will remember it, so watch your words. Squeak remembers EVERYTHING we have ever said, every place we have ever gone, and the color and shape of the stamp that was put on her hand the first time we ever went to the farm when she was not yet two. So let this be a lesson to you on promises. If you make em, don't break em!
Anyway, back to dog etiquette. When walking your dog (because if you get a dog, it will need to be walked at least once a day - when it's hot, cold, wet, or snowy outside) be sure to make sure it is leashed and that if it has to go potty, it goes on the strip of grass on the opposite side of the sidewalk of the homeowner. Don't give your dog a long lead so that it can easily walk up to a random home and eat out of the cat bowl that someone has put out to feed their cat, or to raise it's leg and pee on the property where a home owner or their children might walk or play. Lastly, if your dog does happen to need to relieve him or herself on someone's property, apologize if the homeowner is out and about and observes the occurrence and then promptly clean it up before the homeowner steps in it or runs the lawnmower over it and then has to smell it for the duration it takes to mow their lawn.
And there you have it kids, pet ownership 101. Not too difficult to understand I hope. If you can understand it, then maybe you can explain it to the lady who let her dog do most of the above on our lawn tonight. While. I. Was. Mowing. The. Lawn. I shook my head in disappointment and sincerely hope she saw me do so.
Also, random note. Puff can blow her nose. If you hold up the tissue, she blows out the boogers. Kind of amazing.
Morning shenanigans with Puff and Avy. I swear it only LOOKS like she is going to bite his toes. She really didn't! |
People: I got to see my mom briefly at story time today. She went to get Squeak from school and the two of them spent the afternoon together.
Places/Activities: This morning Avy had his PT and OT. He is doing so amazing. He even put weight on his legs today and lifted his legs up and down. It was wonderful. I'm so proud of all the progress he has been making lately. If he was evaluated again today, he would not qualify for services. It seems like such a minor thing - having two people come and spend just 30-45 minutes with him every two weeks. But it has really made a huge difference. Even after they leave, it seems that he has already caught on to the new things that he was taught. As a parent, I cannot stress enough the importance of early intervention. If you think there is an issue with your child's motor skills, speech, muscle tone, etc., don't hesitate to contact your doctor, child's teacher, or call Infants and Toddlers on your own if you feel the issues are not being addressed (if they are in the younger age bracket). This is a free service for kids and is available through each county. I wasn't sure if I was overreacting as a parent due to my background in education, but I'm so glad I made the call, was actually very surprised that he qualified and sad by how behind he was when he was evaluated at 7 months of age. He went from functioning at a 3-4 month old age (half of his actual age) to now being right on target. I'm just so happy and pleased with his progress.
Fresh and clean after baths. Ready for a nap! |
The babies and I met up with my mom at story time today. They do so enjoy their time at the library. You can watch their faces light up and little Puff is always commenting or giving her little delighted chortle about whatever song or book is being read. It's the sweetest thing.
The rest of the day was spent reading, playing, and I really don't know what else. The days are going so very quickly and I find I have very little to show for it. The tv is never on during the day, I don't hang out and eat bonbons, I didn't cook today…. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive.
Good Deeds: This isn't so much a good deed as it is just being mindful… Today was the second time in a row that we have gone to the library where the person in front of me allowed their child to push the fire button which automatically triggers a call to 911. The last time we were there the firefighters and paramedics were already there. This time I was getting into the elevator after the mom was exiting nervously laughing that her toddler had pushed the fire button. It was surprising because the 911 operator immediately got on the speaker and asked for the emergency. I stepped in and told her there wasn't one. I did mention to the librarian today though that they might want to start making an announcement at the end of story time to those parents who bring strollers and use the elevators to make sure their toddlers are secure and do not press the elevator buttons. You would think it would be common sense, but you would also think that it would be common sense not to put a fire button at eye level of a toddler in an elevator with no protected covering on it for toddlers to access.
I used some of the organic button mushrooms I bought from the Rooster & Hen store last night in an omelet for D this morning. Omelets are kind of a specialty of mine.
Chores: Mowing the lawn - yeah! I felt good enough to get out there and get it done tonight. Thank goodness. There won't be too many more lawn mowing days ahead this season. Maybe one or two more, and then just raking leaves.
Also bathing babies and cutting fingernails. YES. Clipping fingernails is a CHORE. It took me 30 minutes to clip 20 fingers and 20 toes today.
Reading: I'm very close to being finished with Moby Dick, but am not quite finished yet. Soon!
Random Thoughts: Pet etiquette. Petiquette. Need I say more? Yes, apparently I do. Kids, when you eventually break your mother and I down by begging for a dog, please know that you will have certain responsibilities for that dog. And yes, I know this is going to happen because I did it to my own parents when I was around 4 or 5. I begged for a cat, then a dog, then a mouse, rat, cow, horse, etc. until finally my parents promised that if we ever got a fence, we would get a dog. Well when I was almost six, my parents put up a fence. First words out of my mouth were, "where's my dog?" This is also a lesson in that whatever you say to your own children… they will remember it, so watch your words. Squeak remembers EVERYTHING we have ever said, every place we have ever gone, and the color and shape of the stamp that was put on her hand the first time we ever went to the farm when she was not yet two. So let this be a lesson to you on promises. If you make em, don't break em!
Anyway, back to dog etiquette. When walking your dog (because if you get a dog, it will need to be walked at least once a day - when it's hot, cold, wet, or snowy outside) be sure to make sure it is leashed and that if it has to go potty, it goes on the strip of grass on the opposite side of the sidewalk of the homeowner. Don't give your dog a long lead so that it can easily walk up to a random home and eat out of the cat bowl that someone has put out to feed their cat, or to raise it's leg and pee on the property where a home owner or their children might walk or play. Lastly, if your dog does happen to need to relieve him or herself on someone's property, apologize if the homeowner is out and about and observes the occurrence and then promptly clean it up before the homeowner steps in it or runs the lawnmower over it and then has to smell it for the duration it takes to mow their lawn.
And there you have it kids, pet ownership 101. Not too difficult to understand I hope. If you can understand it, then maybe you can explain it to the lady who let her dog do most of the above on our lawn tonight. While. I. Was. Mowing. The. Lawn. I shook my head in disappointment and sincerely hope she saw me do so.
Also, random note. Puff can blow her nose. If you hold up the tissue, she blows out the boogers. Kind of amazing.
Using the handle on the freezer to pull herself up. Any guesses as to how long it's going to take before she figures out how to open it? |
So tired at lunch after his therapy and story time that he can barely lift his head to chew! |
Fussy little babies required some late afternoon snuggles, songs, and a couple of books. |
After a snuggle they are recharged and ready to take on the world! |
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