Friday, October 21, 2016

Day 48



Puff can now stand up and put her leg over the
motorcycle to get on and ride all on her own!
People: I'm a little behind on the blog posts, and I can't remember this part. Not sure, but I don't think I saw anyone other than my mom today. Which makes me realize that I need to get out more and schedule myself to meet with friends!

Places/Activities: I tried to call and make my appointment with the blood doctor again, and the same thing happened. I got put through to the answering service and the person on the other end just transferred me back to the same message again. So, I'm over it. Called my general practitioner instead. I was booked for an appointment, so at least that's something. I feel like I can get to the bottom of this. And my white blood cell count being 22k… that could be due to inflammation. I don't show any signs of infection anywhere, so inflammation could be a factor. I ate a cupcake that day and a piece of cake the day before. I know I have issues with my body reacting to sugar, so that could be it as well. Regardless, I feel confident that I'll figure it out.

Good Deeds: My neighbor is organizing a pajama drive, so I donated 4 pairs of winter pajamas. I tend to collect them in the spring when they go on sale and save them for this special drive. I know I bought more… the problem is knowing where to look. I think they are in a storage bin somewhere. I'll figure it out in time for the drive deadline!

Chores: Baths for kiddos, 5 loads of laundry (that should hold us for a couple of days), dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms. Thankfully the lawn doesn't look terrible, but I imagine I'll have to mow it once more before the end of the season.

Reading: No time today.

Random Thoughts: A friend of mine had a baby late last night. Babies are such wonderful gifts. They look sweet, smell wonderful, and make the sweetest sounds. It's hard not to immediately fall in love. I think this is purposeful on Mother Nature's part. A way to ensure survival of the species so that we will bond with our children and care for them. I remember feeling such relief once I finally got to hold my children. Not just relief that I no longer had all this additional weight to carry around, but relief that they were finally Earth side. All of the waiting was over. The waiting in itself is a magical thing. Like the magic of Christmas or planning to take that dream vacation. It's like that, but better. And then just like that, the waiting is over. And there is this perfect little thing right there looking at you like you are the only thing that ever mattered. I'm sad that our baby days are over. Packing up and giving away all of the little tiny clothes (the babies are in 18 month and 24 month/2t clothing now so not so tiny), saying goodbye to all of the baby equipment. It's sad in some ways. And then in other ways it's wonderful. Saying hello to my babies crawling and soon walking. Saying hello to verbal communication with words instead of grunts and screams. Saying hello to pull-ups and potty training instead of diapers. There's a lot to look forward to.

My mom has been helping out a lot while D has been away. Today Squeak asked if my mom was going to pick her up and take her to school again tomorrow. When my mom responded no because her mommy would be home to take her, Squeak didn't skip a beat and responded with, "Then thank you Grammy for taking me to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday." She makes me proud everyday that she uses that little brain of hers. Avy has been a little more daring lately and ripped the door off the hinges in the entertainment center 4 times today. Yes, FOUR. But there was a time when he preferred to not use his arms and legs, so I am grateful that he has made so much progress - even if it means destroying furniture. And Puff is so so so sweet. I NEVER would have thought she could be such a snuggler. And now she makes a sweet little "awwwww" sound as she wraps her arms around your neck and buries her face in your shoulder. It makes my heart melt.

So to my dear friend and all those expecting and new mamas and papas, enjoy those baby snuggles as much as you can. These are wonderful days and times. Deliberately make memories. I remember very clearly one night that was particularly difficult for my babies. I was holding my son in my arms and he had just drifted off to sleep. His head was still covered in that silky soft baby fur. I rested my cheek against his head and took a deep breath. I looked across the room and saw D cradling our baby girl and drifting off to sleep. There is no other word to describe it other than "bliss." The stories people tell you… the books you read… nothing prepares you for what you feel as a parent. The love. The warmth. The ache when you look at that precious child of yours. And the joy you feel when someone else is loving toward your child. You will learn as you go. You will fail, but then you will figure out a new trick and you will be better. They don't stay babies for long, so enjoy all of these snuggles as much as possible. And while the baby stage is wonderful, you have a lot of fun and excitement in store in the months and years ahead!

The balloons from the birthday are STILL a big hit!

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