Twinsies! |
People: My mom is so thoughtful. She came over today just to watch the twins for one hour so I could quickly get Riley from school, and then get a flu shot for each of us. Don't delay on getting your flu shot!
Places/Activities: Squeak and I went to CVS (for my flu shot) and her doctor's office (for her flu shot) after school today. Squeak also had dance lessons. From the time she got home and had lunch to when we left for dance, she played happily in the basement with her toys. Some people wonder how I can get as much accomplished in a day as I do… It's because I have two babies that take naps, and a fiercely independent four year old who for the most part follows directions. We are very blessed, I know.
I had a little time to work on reviewing some of the footage from yesterday. So far, I'm pretty pleased. I also did a little work for the upcoming online class I'm teaching. This week is for introductions. Thankfully the class doesn't actually start until Monday.
Good Deeds: Today Squeak and I got our flu shots. It might not seem like a terribly good deed, but a dear friend of mine is expecting a baby soon and I want to make sure that if I am going to be visiting her and her new little one that I am as germ free as possible! I was actually shocked that my flu shot was covered by my insurance. Last year it wasn't covered by my insurance, and this year it was. Kind of odd, right? I had the mouse (see Random Thoughts for more info on this) with me and Squeak carried him into the CVS with us. She sat and watched while I got my shot. An elderly woman struck up a conversation with Squeak, and she happily engaged. She told the woman that she had already gotten her shot. The woman asked her if she cried. Squeak said, "Yes, just a little bit." It was so cute. When we left, Squeak looked up at me and said, "Mama, you did a good job getting your shot. I'm proud of you." Guess what, kid? I'm proud of you too.
Chores: I was able to get out and mow the lawn this morning during the first nap of the day while Squeak was at school. Not too many more days to mow the lawn before the grass is done growing until Spring. That will buy me back about an hour and a half of time a week. With that kind of time, I could take up another hobby! HA! I also did four loads of laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, and dusted and vacuumed upstairs. Tomorrow will be crunch time to make sure the rest of the house is together and decorated for the party this weekend.
Reading: I'm super excited because I ordered custom made board books for the babies and they arrived today. Can't wait to to give them each their book on their birthdays this Sunday! Squeak and I started the next Magic Tree House book
Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve. We are over halfway through the series now. I'm wondering what we will read next!
Random Thoughts: Today Squeak came to breakfast with one of her stuffed mousies and announced that this particular mouse would be joining her at school today. D and I told her the mouse needed to stay ay home and then to soften the blow, I mentioned that the mouse likes to help me with the house work while she is at school. So, of course I had to document the mouse doing some chores so I could show Squeak when I picked her up from school. She was quite amused by the mouse mowing, trimming, vacuuming, and helping with the laundry. The way she loves on those mice made me think back to when I was a kid. I always loved having a small stuffed animal to stuff in my pocket. Those were some happy times :) Here are a few pictures of Squeak's little mouse hanging out with me today. And some pics of little Puff who crawled into the closed tunnel, made a nest, and "read" some books that a friend of ours sent. She is very much like her big sister when it comes to books (though she is a bit more rough). So thankful all three of my babies love books so much!
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Avy is VERY attached to his Grammy! |
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