This morning I slept in a little and therefore didn't have as much time to workout. There was way too much to get accomplished today, so no walk either. However, I did manage a 30 minute workout on the elliptical.
People: Friends came to visit this afternoon. I've only been doing this SAHM thing for a month, but I have noticed that there is definitely a balance to doing the job right. Part of being a SAHM is meeting up with other stay at home moms. Why? Because I listen to Pandora classical or Pandora toddler radio all. Day. Long. Because I read board books, fold laundry, plan activities, and prep meals. I load and unload the dishwasher. It's lonely. I love my kids so so so much. But sometimes it's nice to talk about something other than colors or debating whether or not a hairdresser is a community helper. Speaking of which - is a hairdresser a community helper? I'm leaning toward no, but in my case if I did get a haircut it would likely be helping the community. Maybe I'll grow it long enough so that I can donate it. Now there's an idea. Anyway, I digress. My point is that an essential part of being a SAHM is to have other SAHM friends that you can get together with, and talk about something other than stuff of interest to babies and 4 year olds. Or even if you don't talk about anything and don't do anything other than just existing simultaneously with your children, it's just nice to know that you aren't alone and that there's someone else out there doing the same thing as you and working hard to make things "work." It's humbling and I appreciate my SAHM friends even more now because it isn't an easy job. It's hard work.
Places/Activities: We had friends over this afternoon and participated in some fun activities with the kiddos (pics to come later). It was nice for the kids to hang out and play together. Squeak also had dance class this evening.
Good Deeds: The good deeds today weren't my doing, but rather the good deeds of others. The parking lot where Squeak takes her dance lessons was being repaved. Therefore we did not have access to the ramp to get into the building, which was an issue with the double stroller containing over 50lbs of babies. The steps pictured to the right was the only way in or out. I was standing at the bottom of the steps trying to figure out how to get the babies up and realizing I would likely need to take them out, get them up to the top of the hill and then lift the stroller to the top when one of the dad's who just picked up his daughter from class saw my dilemma and immediately pitched in to help. It was super awesome. Then once at the top of this staircase, a mom helped me up 3 more steps and then yet another mother opened the double door so we could wheel through. Super considerate of all three parents and I am ever so grateful. I also say that before I parked my coworker spied me and offered to take Squeak in so I wouldn't have to, but there was a traffic jam behind me so I couldn't take her up on the offer. I don't like to ask for help, and normally don't take offers for assistance (unless it's my parents of course :) but when I realize I can't do it all, I will accept an offer of assistance. And it was nice. Really, really nice.
Chores: Lots of chores today! Thursdays are the day that I get the most accomplished I think. Probably because I know that tomorrow is Friday, which means the weekend is right around the corner. I prefer to get all of my chores done during the week so the weekend can be spent exclusively on fun family time. This probably stems from my childhood when my mom wouldn't let me go out to play until my bed was made (which is then why I made it every morning right after I got up) and that all chores should be done before having playdates and weekend fun. Which I wasn't fond of at the time, but I'm glad that she trained me when she did because now I really enjoy keeping things neat and orderly.
Five loads of laundry today (darks, lights, sheets & towels, Squeak, and baby laundry). Fun times. But it's done. It's folded. And it's put away. I stripped and changed the sheets and made all the beds, dusted and vacuumed upstairs and vacuumed the steps. Cleaned the upstairs and 1st floor bathrooms, bathed all of the children, cleared off the table in the dining room, and took out the recycling. I'm a little tired, but not too terrible. That extra boost of caffeine in the afternoon helps a lot! I had wanted to dust, vacuum and swiffer the floors on the first floor today, but there just wasn't enough time. It's almost 8pm and I will likely work on continuing preparations for teaching my upcoming online class and maybe even reading a little of my next book before nodding off to sleep. There's always tomorrow!
My mom was commenting to me this morning about how much I cram into a morning. I think the key is multitasking. I know that I can talk to and entertain my babies while I fold laundry. If I read to them and give them love, they will then occupy themselves for a short period of time while I go and accomplish something quickly (such as grabbing the laundry bin and tossing in a load or cleaning a nearby bathroom). When Riley and I read, the babies will play nearby and listen. When the babies are napping, I move quickly to try and get as much done as I can before they wake up. It isn't ideal, but it's what works!
Reading: Today I finally finished reading Moby Dick. It felt like I was reading it forever (I know it's only been a week). Thankfully I got through it. To me it was dry. Too dry. But I needed to finish to find out what would happen. My big takeaway? Don't mess with Mother Nature, and I'll leave it at that. I wouldn't want to spoil the ending for you ;) Anyway, I've been wanting to read this book since I was around 9 or 10 years of age. There was a commercial that came on TV that would advertise book classics. Many times a narrator would read aloud from one of the classic volumes they were trying to sell, and I remember the line they read from Moby Dick, "There she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!" Seems silly, right? But ever since hearing and seeing that commercial, I wanted to read the book. So, now I can say that I did! Hooray!
Squeak and I read the 28th Magic Tree House - High Tide in Hawaii. It appears that we will be moving along to the Merlin Mysteries next! Exciting indeed!
Random Thoughts: My little babies are growing up. Puff is pulling herself up to stand more and more and Avy is pulling himself up to a high kneel. Today after morning naps, I was giving Puff her bottle and she was just so sweet. I rubbed and kissed her little face, and she nestled in closer and made little cooing noises. I just wanted to remember the moment and the feeling forever. I hope I don't ever forget it. Tonight Avy was quite the fusser. I think he knew that I had snuggle time with two girls today and was feeling left out. So we cuddled, we read books, and I showered him in kisses and tickles. That smile and that giggle. They make my heart sing!
Recipes: No recipes tonight, but I did sautee mushrooms for the very first time. D loves mushrooms and usually I just chop them up fresh and add them to omelets or a salad. But she asked if I might try sautéing them. So, I did. A little olive oil, butter, and salt, and they turned out pretty swell. The babies tried them and also enjoyed them! I'm not a mushroom fan, so D and the babies got to have them all to themselves ;)
This morning I slept in a little and therefore didn't have as much time to workout. There was way too much to get accomplished today, so no walk either. However, I did manage a 30 minute workout on the elliptical.
Smiling and showing off his newest bruise. He looks like such a big boy here! |
Places/Activities: We had friends over this afternoon and participated in some fun activities with the kiddos (pics to come later). It was nice for the kids to hang out and play together. Squeak also had dance class this evening.
Good Deeds: The good deeds today weren't my doing, but rather the good deeds of others. The parking lot where Squeak takes her dance lessons was being repaved. Therefore we did not have access to the ramp to get into the building, which was an issue with the double stroller containing over 50lbs of babies. The steps pictured to the right was the only way in or out. I was standing at the bottom of the steps trying to figure out how to get the babies up and realizing I would likely need to take them out, get them up to the top of the hill and then lift the stroller to the top when one of the dad's who just picked up his daughter from class saw my dilemma and immediately pitched in to help. It was super awesome. Then once at the top of this staircase, a mom helped me up 3 more steps and then yet another mother opened the double door so we could wheel through. Super considerate of all three parents and I am ever so grateful. I also say that before I parked my coworker spied me and offered to take Squeak in so I wouldn't have to, but there was a traffic jam behind me so I couldn't take her up on the offer. I don't like to ask for help, and normally don't take offers for assistance (unless it's my parents of course :) but when I realize I can't do it all, I will accept an offer of assistance. And it was nice. Really, really nice.
Chores: Lots of chores today! Thursdays are the day that I get the most accomplished I think. Probably because I know that tomorrow is Friday, which means the weekend is right around the corner. I prefer to get all of my chores done during the week so the weekend can be spent exclusively on fun family time. This probably stems from my childhood when my mom wouldn't let me go out to play until my bed was made (which is then why I made it every morning right after I got up) and that all chores should be done before having playdates and weekend fun. Which I wasn't fond of at the time, but I'm glad that she trained me when she did because now I really enjoy keeping things neat and orderly.
Five loads of laundry today (darks, lights, sheets & towels, Squeak, and baby laundry). Fun times. But it's done. It's folded. And it's put away. I stripped and changed the sheets and made all the beds, dusted and vacuumed upstairs and vacuumed the steps. Cleaned the upstairs and 1st floor bathrooms, bathed all of the children, cleared off the table in the dining room, and took out the recycling. I'm a little tired, but not too terrible. That extra boost of caffeine in the afternoon helps a lot! I had wanted to dust, vacuum and swiffer the floors on the first floor today, but there just wasn't enough time. It's almost 8pm and I will likely work on continuing preparations for teaching my upcoming online class and maybe even reading a little of my next book before nodding off to sleep. There's always tomorrow!
My mom was commenting to me this morning about how much I cram into a morning. I think the key is multitasking. I know that I can talk to and entertain my babies while I fold laundry. If I read to them and give them love, they will then occupy themselves for a short period of time while I go and accomplish something quickly (such as grabbing the laundry bin and tossing in a load or cleaning a nearby bathroom). When Riley and I read, the babies will play nearby and listen. When the babies are napping, I move quickly to try and get as much done as I can before they wake up. It isn't ideal, but it's what works!
Random Thoughts: My little babies are growing up. Puff is pulling herself up to stand more and more and Avy is pulling himself up to a high kneel. Today after morning naps, I was giving Puff her bottle and she was just so sweet. I rubbed and kissed her little face, and she nestled in closer and made little cooing noises. I just wanted to remember the moment and the feeling forever. I hope I don't ever forget it. Tonight Avy was quite the fusser. I think he knew that I had snuggle time with two girls today and was feeling left out. So we cuddled, we read books, and I showered him in kisses and tickles. That smile and that giggle. They make my heart sing!
Recipes: No recipes tonight, but I did sautee mushrooms for the very first time. D loves mushrooms and usually I just chop them up fresh and add them to omelets or a salad. But she asked if I might try sautéing them. So, I did. A little olive oil, butter, and salt, and they turned out pretty swell. The babies tried them and also enjoyed them! I'm not a mushroom fan, so D and the babies got to have them all to themselves ;)
Daily ritual. I love how much they love books! |
First attempt at sautéed mushrooms. |
Snuggles with Puff |
Puff figured out that if she turns the activity table upside down and sits in it, it's just like a throne! |
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