Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 239

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Places/Activities: This week was filled with fun. On Sunday we explored downtown Ellicott City and supported local businesses there. Monday I took the twins out shopping to the mall so I could find myself an outfit to wear to my cousin's wedding. That was an interesting experience. The mall we went to was not very accessible - which was disappointing. Not only was there only one handicap entrance, but in the department stores themselves, it was a pain to find the elevators to go from one floor to another, and I had to go to 3 dressing rooms before I found one large enough to accommodate me and the double stroller. Having twins and needing to use a double stroller has opening my eyes to how difficult it must be for those bound to a wheelchair to get around. I think the ADA needs to be revised a bit because meeting the minimum standard is pathetic. I mean, really pathetic. It's not that much extra work to make sure all doors have the automatic open option, and to include at least one accessible stall in EVERY dressing room. Ok, rant over - but you get my drift. So, the next time you see someone in a wheel chair, or having a tough time getting from point a to point b, ask if there is anything you can do to help. The few times that we are in a place that isn't common to us and people have been kind enough to hold the door or offer to help me get the stroller up or down the stairs are people that usually mention that they have a family member or friend who has a disability and they can relate to accessibility issues. While I was in the dressing room and trying on clothing as fast as possible (the twins hate shopping as much as I do) the twins were beginning to get a little fussy. Nothing major, just a bit whiny - but times two of course. The woman in the room next to me in a very loud voice went, "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" For real? The nerve? I quietly filled up their snack cups to buy me a few more minutes and guarantee their silence until we could get out of there. But really? Who shushes random children? I mean, other than a librarian? Which, by the way - libraries aren't quiet anymore and I don't know of any of my librarian friends who have ever shushed a child. Ever. Myself included. I mean, other than my own kids. I shush them all the time - but they don't count as random to me. So, I got my outfit and left. I was a little irritated for a hot minute, but then all was well when the super nice cashier gave us the sale price for my purchase a day early. So, shopping Monday, Tuesday we went to the National Building museum to meet up with a friend and her new baby. It was really neat there and we will definitely be going back. Lots of hands on stuff for kids to try out! I pulled Squeak out of school so she could join us. She really enjoyed herself. Wednesday I took the twins to SkyZone. They lasted all of 45 minutes, which was the longest 45 minutes of my life. I think I'm going to wait until they are a bit older to take them back again. It was too hard to try and keep up with them running in opposite directions. They had loads of fun bouncing around. They don't really jump just yet, and instead bounce and run. Bear would run as fast as his little legs could carry him and then fall flat on his face and laugh hysterically. We took the kids out to eat on Wednesday night just for fun to get pizza. Thursday I took a 3 mile walk with the babies, which was great. I felt very energized afterward. Although by the time I made it to yoga in the evening, I was so ready for a nap. Friday D and I went to my cousin's wedding. It was very lovely and the bride was gorgeous. It seems so bizarre to me to continue to see my cousins get married and settle down. I remember holding my cousin when he was a small baby, and now he is all grown up with a college degree, job, and a wife. It's always good to see good things happen to good people. I'm glad we could be there to help celebrate their special day - even if we felt like we were more a part of the "old" crowd there. ;) Today we took the kids to an event called, "Touch a Truck" where kids can walk up and get inside a fire truck, police cruiser, various work and construction vehicles, etc. It was neat and everyone had fun (except when the police cruiser would put on the siren). Puff especially was not a fan of the loud noise. Last night ended with bookclub which is always accompanied by good friends and good food. A very full, but very satisfying week!

Reading: I finished my book for bookclub just in time (I was sitting in my car and reading the last few pages before going inside). This month we read A Thousand Miles from Nowhere by John Gregory Brown. I can't say I enjoyed it very much, but at least the ending was somewhat satisfying (I hate cliffhangers).

Random Thoughts:You might notice I've been blogging a bit less these days. I've been terribly busy lately between outings with the kids, finishing up teaching my online class, and writing. Yes, writing. I've been sitting down and actually pouring my heart out into the keyboard to write. I've found that I have a lot of things to say, and sometimes blogging just doesn't fill the void that I need to fill. So, I don't really want to talk to much about it for fear of it flopping, but I have some ideas that I'm finally writing about.

National Building Museum

Look at me. I'm a tree!

Fun at SkyZone

Cotton candy ice cream.

When the Amazon shipments come - there's always a fight regarding who gets to play in the box first!

Sometimes it's fun to play IN the toybox.

Oh, you know. Just sitting here cheesin'.

Bear inspects my outfit for the wedding.

Sprinkle donut envy...

Clinging to big sis for dear life!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 230

Thursday, April 20, 2017

It doesn't matter that he just ate - he's gotta have what I have too!
Places/Activities: Today was one of those days that I just didn't sit down until this evening before Yoga class, and even then it was to sit down and continue work on grading papers for that grad class I'm teaching. The day started and ended with laundry- and along the way 5 loads were done. I stripped and made all the beds, dusted and vacuumed upstairs and down, and cleaned most of the bathrooms. I even managed to squeeze in a trip to Costco with the littles (who had a great time btw), gave all three kids baths, mowed and trimmed the lawn, and swept up. Took out the recycling, and managed to get the big kid to dance, drop off a thank you card to a friend, and grade some papers before yoga. Right around the time that I was outside doing the lawn (D was working in the office, Squeak was playing in the basement, and the babies were sleeping if you're wondering how this manages to get accomplished) I was thinking to myself that I felt like an honest to goodness badass today. And then, just like that - the cord snaps on the weed wacker and hits me in the chin. "F*#@!" That was a nice smack back to reality and a reminder to be thankful for whatever it is we can accomplish in a day. This was out of the ordinary in that I was able to move quickly and EVERYONE cooperated. It also helped that D entertained the kids for me while I worked on schoolwork before the kids went to bed. I find that I'm most productive when I have more to do. Though I'm still behind. I have lots of books left to read before the end of my time off, and I'm SO behind on my drawing a day... sigh.
Race to the tubby!

Reading:If you read everything I just typed out above, you'll realize that there was absolutely NO time for reading today. I wish I had a good book on tape, because then at least I could have done a little listening in the car.

Random Thoughts: If you are thinking about taking some time off to spend with your baby/kids... I recommend waiting until they are at least 18 months to do it if you have the option (just to maximize your time). The amount of growth I have witnessed in my twins these last few weeks has just been astounding. They've gone from walking to running, from screaming/screeching to talking (though they still throw tantrums), from ruffians to being more gentle, and from beating up on each other every minute to sharing toys, and even kisses. It melts my heart. And while a few weeks ago I was more than ready to go back to work, the way they share their love so freely with us just melts my heart and is only making it harder to think about returning to the daily grind. At the beginning of my time off, they were barely crawling, let alone walking and taking two naps a day, which really limited what we could and couldn't do on any given day. One nap a day is just perfect and we can usually go do something fun in the morning before lunch. Their little personalities are really shining through now and it's so much fun to watch! They are so sweet and SO much fun! It's also been nice to have Squeak in the afternoons after her half day of preschool. I haven't felt any guilt whatsoever about pulling her out of school so we could go and do something fun together with the twins. She's such a good kid, and so smart. But most of all, I hope she continues to be the kind, sweet, and loving little girl that she has become. She makes us so proud each and every day.

Costco fun!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 229

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Places/Activities: Today our original plans didn't quite work out, so since I had the day cleared on my calendar, I randomly asked a friend who I've been trying to get together with for a while if she'd like to meet up. So, we met at the National Zoo. Despite a few hiccups (like driving in DC, trying to find street parking in DC, and then parking at the opposite end of the zoo from where she was located) we made it! There is a LOT of walking there at the zoo, but it's really nice. I haven't been to the National Zoo in over a decade, and I was surprised to see many of the changes they've made there. Zoos are one of those things that are both amazing, but also sad. It's heartbreaking to think that an animal is caged and is prevented to do the things it was born to do - hunt, climb trees, run, etc. I mean, I'm glad that scientists are able to study and learn about animal behaviors, that we have a safe space for these animals (many of which are endangered), but it is heartbreaking to think that humans are the number one reason for animal extinction - from habitat destruction to poaching. Hopefully zoos can educate all of us into understanding the importance of creating a healthy environment for all of us - including animals. Surprisingly, the twins did great (this was one of our longer outings). They were quite exhausted when we left and took a 45 minute nap on the way home.... which means they didn't nap once we got home. I put them in their cribs and they had a little quiet time, but never did go to sleep.

Gosh, I nearly forgot! Easter!! The bunny got creative this year and left a special hidden trail of clues for Squeak to find. I was so proud of her because she read all of the clues on her own (for the most part). It's kind of amazing to see how far she's come in just a short time. She's now very into reading on her own now and D and I are no longer able to spell words aloud because she listens to EVERYTHING and immediately knows what we are talking about. Sometimes I'm still processing all of the letters in my head for something D just spelled, and Squeak will say the words out loud. Sigh. Now what!? We need to learn a new language or have code words for things instead now. 

On Monday, the twins had their 18 month appointments. I can't believe how fast this is going! I can't even call them tiny humans anymore because they are so big! Puff is SO tall - she has an inch on Bear. At the appointment, she was pointing out the ceiling tiles and said "square" and to the round vent in the ceiling and said, "circle." They have both been picking up words left and right. It's kind of nuts how fast it's going. Puff's new favorite words (well technically they are our favorites because we love to hear her say them) are "come here," "waffle," "cookie," and "snuggle" is STILL my favorite word that she says. She does this great thing with her tongue when she says, "socks" and she kind of lingers on the last "sssssss" making it sound a little snake-like. It's the best! I'm enjoying this stage so much more than 6 months ago. Now that they are both walking well (still tripping a lot though) and using more words, it's easier to communicate with them. Squeak has been such a good big sister to them and enjoys building nests for them (though mostly for her and Puff - Bear gets left out sometimes) and she has been reading to them a lot - which is great practice for her, and then they are also getting in some learning in, too. We are finally starting to reap the benefits of having the older child entertain the younger ones (thank GOODNESS).

Reading: A friend of mine recommended I read Catastrophic Happiness: Finding Joy in Childhood's Messy Years by Catherine Newman. It's been a fun read so far. And by "so far" I mean I'm only 40 pages in despite having started several days ago. As the twins are getting busier and the weather is getting nicer, I've been finding it harder and harder to sit down and focus on writing the blog, drawing, etc. They cry and beg to go outside, and it's hard to say no when the weather is so gorgeous! Although I could do with a little less pollen. I feel like each time I breathe in, my lungs are getting coated in yellow. Blegh. Anyway, back to the book... it's super funny and I'm finding that I can completely relate! I definitely recommend it to all my mom friends - especially those with more than one kid!

Random Thoughts: I have so many things that I think to put here throughout the day, but then my thoughts leave and I can't get the moment back again. I was thinking that I've been out of a routine for a while and I need to find a way back to myself again. I'm stuck in neutral so to speak (also the title of a really good YA book FYI). Well, technically two, Stuck in Neutral and Speak. Anyway, sidetracked by my randomness yet again. I need to get up earlier, fix my diet (which is difficult with the massive quantities of Easter candy we have hanging around), and get into a better sleep schedule. Which brings me to my random thought for today. What? Did you think that I had already spouted out my randomness already? Ha! Hardly! So, we've been doing what many would call, "binge watching" a tv show. A binge to me is watching at least two episodes of a show back to back before either a. falling asleep in front of the tv or b. going to bed. What happened to the times when you would look forward to that ONE night of TV a week because your favorite TV show came on (ahem, xfiles) and then you'd wait with anticipation for an entire week to see another episode? This was so fantastic. I'd hop into my jammies, grab a glass of milk, and sit there for an entire hour - waiting through commercials and everything, just to see an hour (technically 45 minutes) of my favorite show. But now... Now tv is released as an entire "season" all at once. Instead of watching one hour a week, we spend an entire week binging on an entire series (if it's good). Call me old school, but I kind of miss the waiting and the anticipation of the weekly reveal. We restrict the TV watching for the kids... maybe we need to do the same for ourselves. One thing is for certain... I need to start going to bed earlier.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 225

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Places/Activities: Where to start!? I know it's been a while since I've posted in the blog. That's because I've been keeping so busy lately. Family comes first, followed by work, then chores, then reading, and then whatever time is left I spend on the blog or drawing. There hasn't been ANY time left for drawing or the blog, or reading recently. I've been trying to maximize Squeaker's time off from preschool. On Wednesday we all went to Storyville and hung out there for a while. We were going to go to a museum out of state, but then decided against it since it would be likely that it would be off the hook due to Spring break. So glad we decided to stick close to home instead. In the afternoon, we took a walk on the Trolley Trail and I was stopped by a woman on the trail who told me that she also had twins and about how her mother told her it wasn't too late to get an abortion when she found out. Wow. It just never ceases to amaze me the stuff that people randomly say to me. She also said that it took her until her twins were completely grown before she stopped crying everytime she saw a pregnant woman and would find out they were having twins. Let me just say... while my reaction isn't anything like that, I can still understand and relate. Having twins is no joke. I often feel like I'm herding kittens most days. After I put the babies to bed, I washed windows while Squeak watched a movie, and then continued to wash them after I put her to bed. I know. Who in their right mind washes windows after the sun has long retired? Me. That's who. Having twins +1 means you do stuff whenever you can make it happen. And sometimes that time happens to be at 11 o'clock at night. I can tell I'm lightening up a bit in my ridiculous neat freak behavior because I did not get out the toothbrush and scrub the window tracks this time. I only windexed inside and outside. That's it. The scrubbing will have to wait for Fall. I just didn't have the time or care enough to make that happen this time.
Thursday we visited the Aquarium. Squeak read 5 different books about sea life for Enoch Pratt's
Read to Reef program, which earned us 4 free passes to the Aquarium. The twins are still free since they are under two. The only problematic part of taking them, is that there are no strollers allowed in the Aquarium. So, we had to check the stroller and then I wore Bear on my back and had Puff on a leash, but ended up carrying her most of the time because it was so ridiculously crowded there. She has quite a long attention span and enjoys just watching animals or a show for long periods of time. I didn't get to take but a couple of photos at the beginning because it was just too much of a challenge to keep up with taking care of all of them! My mom and an old friend joined us for the trip as well, so it was nice to have a couple of extra pairs of eyes looking out for us! Friday we ended up returning to the zoo to meet up with another set of friends who I haven't seen since before the twins were born. That's why I love our zoo membership so much. It's a great way to help support a good cause, I learn something new each time we go, and we will often have a friend or two join us to be our guests when we go visit. It's such a lovely zoo and we always have a great time when we visit. Squeak was super happy to have other kids to hang out with while we were there, too. We also stopped in to visit the Easter bunny and pick up a chocolate Mary Sue Easter egg! I have never in my life seen the zoo so busy before though. It was crazy to see how many people were there. When we got home, Squeak, and D and I all dyed Easter eggs while the babies napped and then I made Carrot Cake cookies and banana bread before my dad and stepmom arrive to join us for a pizza dinner. Today I'm exhausted. D was away for a couple of days this week and with all the running and prepping for Easter, I'm completely worn out. After a long walk this morning to get to an Easter egg hunt that lasted WAY longer than we anticipated, I'm sitting in the recliner with my feet propped up while working on my class, writing this blog, and then hopefully finding some time to draw and read this evening after the kids go to bed. I'm so tired, but I'm feeling pretty content.

Reading: I'm still reading The Grain Brain. Last time I posted that I had lost 3 lbs. So, it's one of those things I have to keep weighing in my mind. Do I REALLY want that alcoholic root beer? Or do I want to keep losing weight and feel better? I'm not gonna lie. 5 times out of 10, I'll choose the instant gratification. I was just complaining to a friend of mine as I pushed almost 60lbs of twins up the hill at the zoo that you'd think with all of the running I do all the time (running around of children, not actual running. You must not know me very well if you actually imagined that was running. HA!) that I'd be super healthy and skinny by now. But, no. Sigh. We've been making changes here and there to our diet. For example, I had NO idea how addicted I had become to having a Coke in the afternoons. I've now substituted that afternoon Coke with a glass of milk, sometimes chocolate. Not sure it's really better, but until I can get back to the norm of being a full time working parent, it's helping me get through the day for now!

Recipes: I just received my second order from Penzey's today. I've found that we do better when I cut up a ton of fresh veggies like red and orange peppers, cucumbers, celery, and carrots and keep them in the fridge to have when we are looking for a snack. Having those along with some homemade horseradish dip from Penzey's has been the bomb!! Hoping I can keep this up when I return to work. Going to need to put together a schedule of things to do each week and make sure that veggie chopping is on there!

Random Thoughts: Sometimes Alanis Morrisette's song, "Ironic" pops in my head. I feel like it could be my theme song to be honest... So, when we bought our house 4 years ago, we decided to purchase a round table for our kitchen area. It has 4 chairs. Isn't it ironic that we now need 5? Anyway, so these four chairs have a nice plush fabric top to them. WHO IN THE HELL BUYS FABRIC KITCHEN CHAIRS WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS?? Me. Us. We do. We are the morons that bought fabric chairs to go with our then 6 month old and now 4 year old and twin 1 year olds. The twins are getting sick of their high chairs now and attempt to throw themselves out of them, so I thought that perhaps it might be time to move them to booster seats since Squeak was much younger than they are now when we moved her to a booster seat at the table. We used to put down a towel over the chair and the booster seat on top, but something tells me that just won't fly with these two very busy twins. Well... we can't have these little mess makers sitting on fabric covered seats!! Just imagining the little grubby spaghetti coated hands reaching down to wipe on the fabric chairs is enough to send me into a full blown neat freak panic attack. So, I did what every sane neat freak would do... I went to hell (the fabric store) and came home with a large sheet of special furniture plastic so that I could recover all of the chairs. I took off the first seat, neatly cut out and stapled the plastic on over the fabric, then neatly screwed it back into the chair. Perfect! Wait... what's that? A crumb of food! No problem, I'll just wipe it off the plastic covered seat! Wait... why isn't it coming off?!?!?! Oh, because that crumb was on chair, and I unknowingly permanently sealed it in plastic on the chair. Isn't it ironic?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 220

Tuesday, April 10, 2017

Places/Activities: We've been keeping pretty busy this last week (which is why I haven't had time to sit down and write anything lately). We took field trips to the Hampton House up in Towson, Hilton area tire park at Patapsco State Park, first visit to Opies for ice cream this season, Maryland Zoo, Oxen Hill Farm, Fort Washington, and Centennial Park. Not too bad as far as outings go in any given week. Back in 2009, my then boss was talking about visiting National Parks and getting stamps in a passport during her summer vacations. I was curious and had to know more. Ever since, I've been more curious about all that our National Parks have to offer and am an advocate for them. Which just goes to show - simple conversations have just as much importance as does attending a class in school or college. Because of that ONE conversation, I went out and bought myself a passport book the next time I was at Fort McHenry. It encouraged me to see new places and learn new things. Before going somewhere, I check the National Park Service website and see what National Parks might be near my destination that I could go and visit. Because of that one conversation, I've been more curious about history (a subject that I always had difficulty with in school), more conscientious about the environment, and definitely take the time to share with my kids the things that I learn. Because of the passport book, we've taken the extra 2.5 hour boat ride from Key West to snorkel at Dry Tortugas National Park, we've also taken a rocky boat ride into Biscayne Bay to snorkel and explore the shipwrecks - not to mention that oodles of places in Maryland that we have explored and never even knew existed. While getting out and adventuring on our own is fun (and challenging sometimes), I'm extremely grateful for good friends who meet up with us, hang out with us, and enjoy our company (even though sometimes our company isn't enjoyable when one or more of the children are unhappy). It's some kind of fabulous feeling when your friend just picks up your wild child and begins talking to her and explaining everything she sees to keep her entertained. Or when your friend reaches down and takes your son's little hand so he doesn't stumble over a gravel path. The days do seem long sometimes, but it's the people in them that make the worst of days seem like the best. Feeling thankful. 

Reading:Let's see... I've read a few things since I last posted. You can check my progress here: Currently I've been listening to The Grain Brain in the car, which has been fascinating and very enlightening. It also makes a TON of sense. I've made a couple of simple changes to my diet and in a week lost 3lbs. Crazy, right? Needless to say, I'm quite curious about the pdf recipes included on the final disc (not quite there yet).

Recipes:Nothing new to share. Although I did make some baby breakfast cookies for the twins and instead of cinnamon I used Penzey's cake spice. I couldn't believe how awesome they turned out!

Random Thoughts: So, I'm over halfway through the discs of The Grain Brain. Yes, normally I prefer reading my books in print form, but I put a reserve on the book on CD by mistake. Anyway, Dr. Perlmutter talks a lot about the evolution of food and our bodies, and how we have the power to change our bodies at a cellular level through the food we eat. It's kinda crazy, but makes a lot of sense. I started thinking back to an episode of The Twilight Zone (from the 90's, not the black and white episodes) where some kids tuned into a certain frequency on the radio and it caused strange things to happen to them. Their skin turned a crazy color and got all shiny. It was bizarre. As it turns out, the frequency caused them to adapt to the powerful UV rays of the sun, which allowed them to be outside and exposed without causing damage. Kinda cool, right? Anyway, it got me thinking about how we have evolved to what and who we are today. Babies are being born much larger than before, and 200 years ago it was rare to have a person over 6ft tall (if my history serves me correctly) and now it's pretty common. As far as evolution is concerned, we will likely need to evolve further in order to survive as a species. I know I seem way out there on this but I think a lot and my thoughts wander all over the place. Anyway, it makes me wonder about spectrum disorders. We never really heard about autism and spectrum disorders 50 years ago. Sure, they were around, but not in the frequency with which we hear about them now. You hear about so many brilliant people that are somewhere on the spectrum. We know that many people with autism can "tap" a different part of the brain than the rest of us... What if this is part of our evolution? I mean, in a way it kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Day 214

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Puff raised the roof and tapped her feet while listening to the musicians.
Places/Activities: I've found that I can't keep up with writing blog posts on the same day, so oftentimes I'll sit down and write them a day or two later... which is a pain. It's hard to remember what you did an entire day ago. My memory used to be so quick, and now it's slowing down a bit. Sigh. Will have to see what I can do to give it a jump start. Tonight we strayed from our house rules (bedtime at 6:45/7pm for babies and 7:30pm bedtime for the Squeak on a school night) and drove to Baltimore for Light City. We've wanted to go before but never made it out there. Everyone had a nice time and we are definitely going to do it again next year. The only problem was that the lights aren't lit until 8pm, and the babies were beginning to lose it at 7:45pm, so we left before all the lights were visible. Squeak made a sun catcher Star of David at the kid tent that was sponsored by the Jewish Museum of Maryland. I think I might try taking her here sometime. I never even knew it existed before tonight. Kind of funny that I've lived in this state my whole life and I'm always finding something new to see and do. I love that. We also made our own stamps with foam - such a simple and neat idea. I think I'm going to try this sometime! She also got to build a conductor for a black light so she could light up the stamps we printed (made with special invisible ink). So neat. For a minute it made me wish I was an elementary media specialist again. This is something I'd work into a lesson for sure. If any of my media peeps want to do this, I'll come and help! It was SO cool.

Sneaky Bear.  He grabbed a carrot and dip when I wasn't looking.

Reading: I'm currently reading (the best of) Dear Coquette: Shady Advice From a Raging Bitch Who Has No Business Answering Any of These Questions. I'd put it somewhere in the middle of a Dear Abby and Savage Love column if you're into those types of things. I'm trying a wide range of interests just to expand my horizons a bit and get myself out of my traditional reading comfort zone.

Recipes:We ate the chicken and veggies tonight that I made last night and it was really good. I was even surprised that Squeak commented on how good it was. She's a really sweet kid though. She makes an effort to compliment the cook because she knows that it takes some work (although throwing everything in the crockpot wasn't terribly difficult).

Random Thoughts: It's kind of crazy to think that everyone I worked with at school is winding down the year - Spring break next week, and then prom, graduation, etc. It won't be long and this school year will be over... bringing my year as a stay at home mom to an end. I have a little less than 6 weeks left of teaching my online class, and by the time that is finished, the school year will be just about over. When activities and events are in front of us, it seems they might never get here. Then, once they arrive, they feel "over" so quickly. Birthday parties, trips, a night out, etc. It's important to just take the time and enjoy each as it happens and is happening. To be lost in that moment. Tonight, Squeak exclaimed from the back seat, "this was the best day ever!" The thing was, we didn't really do anything extravagant, but extravagance isn't needed for excitement and making memories. She got to read books with her Grammy earlier in the day, and spent time walking around getting lost in childhood with her family in the evening. There's no better feeling in the world than to see your little girl smile and to feel her sweet little hand reach up and hold onto yours. It's times like these that make me so appreciative of our family. I hope we continue to be this blessed.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day 213

Monday, April 3, 2017

Places/Activities: We hung out at the house this morning. I was going to visit a friend and her new baby, but sadly the baby wasn't feeling well so we will reschedule. D has been having trouble with getting reception in her office, so I purchased a wifi extender and set that up for her this morning. She was quite excited with the new Internet speed in the office now. I'm glad that she'll be able to work more efficiently. It's amazing how much we rely on technology to function in order to do our jobs! Or just to use for social communication for that matter.

Speaking of technology, I finally got around to uploading a video my students put together for me up to YouTube. I'd like to create a little series of Draw & Tell movies for teachers to use with kids. I'm thinking it might be a fun project to post some directions to go along with the videos so that they could be printed and used by teachers, parents, storytellers, and librarians. Just a thought. What do you think? Would you want something like this? If yes, I'd love some ideas to try!

This morning the weather was warm and sunny (though a little windy at times). The twins and I got out and took a nice 3.5 mile walk. Bear fell asleep but Puff didn't want to miss anything. I was a little concerned that they might not take a nap this afternoon because they didn't get as much exercise since they were in their stroller this morning. However, that wasn't the case. The fresh air must have tuckered them out since I had to go in and wake them up at 4:15pm. Good grief!

Reading: Today I finished reading Hacked: A Radical Approach to Hacker Culture and Crime by Kevin F. Steinmetz. I'll be honest, sometimes I feel like my taste in books exceeds my realm of
understanding... I mean, I understood most of what the author was saying, but because I wasn't "loving" it, I felt like I missed some of the point... Or maybe research writing just isn't something I should try picking up again for "fun." Want to hear something ironic? I actually finished reading this book while sitting in the Gadget Guru store while they fixed my iPhone screen (it shattered when I dropped it earlier today to take a picture of Bear sleeping in the stroller). Anyway, as I was reading the book, I kept wondering if the Gadget Guru people were going through my phone. But then it dawned on me... why would anyone want to look through my phone? To see the thousands of pictures of my kids (which I should probably clean out again anyway) or to look at my endless lists? Yeah, I'm pretty sure no one cares.

Recipes: So, this afternoon I used my horseradish dip from my Penzey's order and it was SO good. Which is kind of amazing, because I didn't even let it sit. I know by tomorrow, it will be even more fabulous. This afternoon I got sidetracked with getting my broken phone repaired, so the chicken I cooked in the crockpot will likely be dinner for tomorrow night instead. D got a whole raw chicken from the store. I cut a yellow onion in half and placed it in the bottom of the crockpot, along with three large carrots (peeled and cut into large chunks), and a couple of small uncooked red potatoes that we had left over from a other meal. I rinsed and patted the chicken dry and set it on top of the vegetables. Now here's the best part... I used my new Foxpoint AND Tuscan seasonings mixed with a little onion powder and salt, and rubbed it into the chicken. I stuck in on high and left it alone for 4 hours! Then, all done, delicious, and read to eat!

Random Thoughts: So, a couple of years ago a friend of mine sent me a link for this thing called a Saddle Baby. It looked pretty cool. I kind of forgot all about it. However, it seems that whenever we go for a walk as of late, Bear likes to ride up on my shoulders, pointing to everything we pass along the way. He has always liked to be carried and to sit up high so he can see everything. I'm very tempted to get one, but would prefer to try it out first. Does anyone own one of these things that I could borrow (see image below)? It seems like such a cool concept, and not a terrible price considering how much kid carriers and car seats cost! Also, I'm wondering if my friend is going to purchase one now that she has a little one at home. Only time will tell!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Day 211

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Places/Activities:A busy day today! This morning Squeak and I left D with the babies and went to Home Depot for the monthly workshop. Squeak was so excited because her best girl friend was there to meet us. There isn't anything cuter than to see two four year olds chit chatting while doing a craft together. Squeak loves the painting part best, but I was impressed to see how much her hammering is improving. As our friends were leaving, more friends arrived, this time Squeak's best friend from school. You would think that she hadn't seen him in over a year with as much as they hugged and jumped up and down! I hope she is always this excited to see her friends. After the workshop (they made a super cute bunny basket) we headed home so I could get ready for a bridal shower. One of my cousins will be getting married at the end of the month. The shower was lovely, and the soon to be bride was beautiful, gracious, and kind. If Squeak were there she would have likely said that she was a princess. One of my other cousins got married a year ago this past December and she gave us a copy of one of the pictures taken at the wedding with all of our family together. It's a fan favorite among the children. Bear likes to carry the frame around the house, Puff likes to point to the people and call them by name (especially her Papa), and Riley thinks my cousin is a princess and has frequently asked when she will be getting married again. "Hopefully never!" is always my response. Though I'm hoping maybe at some point someone I know will have a destination wedding. Hint, hint to those of you reading out there!!

Reading:I've barely started the book, Hacked: A Radical Approach to Hacker Culture and Crime by Kevin F. Steinmetz. I have reached my limit on renewals for about 5 of the books I have out, so I'll need to get moving on reading again! It's hard to find the time with this class I'm teaching. Which then brings me back to the sad realization that this will likely be the last time I'll be able to read 100 books in a year for a long time (provided I even reach my goal). I think I'll aim for 50 and see what I can achieve this next year!

Recipes: D had dinner on the table when I got home from the shower, but I was too full from eating such a late lunch. I can see why people get so overwhelmed with cooking/meal planning. It's SO time consuming! I mean, I guess you could in theory eat the same thing every week and that makes it easy. Which worked for me when I lived alone. I used to live off of salads and frozen soy patties (sounds appetizing, right?).

Random Thoughts: How is it possible to accomplish everything that a person wants to accomplish in this short life we are given? I wonder if others struggle with this realization as much as I do...

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 210

Friday, March 31, 2017

Places/Activities: A kid in Squeak's class went to Chuck E. Cheese about 6 months or so ago, and she brings it up every now and then about wanting to go. While we aren't in the habit of letting the kids dictate where we go to eat (let's face it - who really goes to Chuck E. Cheese for the awesome pizza?) we do occasionally like to surprise them. We likely won't go again for quite some time, but the kids really enjoyed it. I think that even if we didn't get on the rides or play games, they would have been happy and content to watch the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese show at the front of the room and eat pizza. My Dad and stepmom joined us. Something to keep in mind - if you or someone in your party are military/retired military, you are able to get a discount. The discount was $10 cheaper than the best coupon option we could find anywhere else. So, that was a plus! Also, we were there about an hour and a half (which was plenty of time) and used 30 "tokens." I've only been to Chuck E. Cheese 3 times before, but now the tokens have been switched over to swipe cards. A little less authentic if you ask me, but it was fine. I just hope I don't lose the card before I get the opportunity to use it again. Point being, 30 tokens was just fine for us for all three kids, so we have another two trips we will make at some point to spend the remaining points. It was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon, and the kids were all pretty tuckered out when we got home, so that was an added bonus.

Reading:Today I finished reading The Lost Property Office by James R. Hannibal. I thought I would like it more than I did... I enjoyed the catchy opening, but then it didn't hold my interest as well as I thought it would. I think this summer I am going to make it my goal to ONLY read Young Adult books to finish out my year of Stay at Home Mom reading. I need to prep myself with the latest and greatest before returning to work in the Fall! I don't feel "ready." We did start watching the new Netflix series, Thirteen Reasons Why. If you haven't seen it yet, don't start watching until AFTER you've read the book. The book was phenomenal. The show is good so far, but I loved the book SO much more!

Recipes: Tonight I made myself a home made milkshake - it was delicious! Ice cream, milk, and Kahlua! Nothing can go wrong with that combination - no matter how much of each you use! HA!

Random Thoughts: So, a couple of years ago a friend of mine (who lives out in Silver Spring) went to a spice store in her area and bought us a bag of cinnamon and a bag of pizza seasoning. I didn't really know what I was missing out on until I tried them. Holy smokes! SO good!! Typically, I buy whatever spice is cheapest at the nearest grocery store, and usually not until we run completely out. However, I started following Penzey's Spices when they received a lot of hate mail before and after the election for standing up for what they believe in and reaching out and being kind to others. In fact, their motto is, "Love to cook, cook to love." So, I bought several of their gift sets at Christmas time and gave them to a few friends and family members. A couple of days ago, I placed an order for some new spices to try, and today they arrived!! There's a whole facebook group for Penzey's Spices and I LOVE it! People are always posting the things they make, the spices they used, etc. My mother always told me to surround myself with the people who inspire me. And the people who inspire me are those who are creative, kind, and who attempt cooking! I'll let you know how we use the spices. But for now, I'm just excited to have them here to try! I know they are going to be good!!

Day 209

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Places/Activities: Today, D surprised me with a present. We typically aren't big on giving presents for our birthdays (although on occasion we might surprise each other). D likes to surprise me every once in a while with a thoughtful gift. My Acorn slippers that she got me last Christmas are getting a little more worn that usual just because I've been home and wear them all the time. She surprised me with these guys today - a lighter summer style - and I LOVE them! My feet are super happy and comfy! I can't remember much else of what went on today other than dance for Squeak and yoga for me!

Reading: I stopped by the library while Squeak was at dance and picked up another 35 books or so (I'm SO behind on my drawings for my drawing a day). I saw this book sitting on display and couldn't help myself (you know I'm an impulse reader). I'm SO glad I did. Definitely one of the most rewarding books I've read.... possibly ever. I just loved it. The words, the love, the messages... It's not a spiritual book by any means, but if you are lacking inspiration, hope, love, any of the above... I think you are going to benefit from reading it. Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende
Amazon Affiliate Link Above

Recipes: None to note!

Random Thoughts: Ok, so I have a bit of an embarrassing confession to make.... but since I've been a SAHM, I've lost four, yes, FOUR credit cards. Well, technically I didn't lose them all - D was responsible for losing one of them several months back when she thought she had given the card back to me in the parking lot while loading groceries in the car, but it most likely fell on the ground. Anyway, so yesterday I took the twins to Costco (I'm sure I've mentioned by now that we love Costco). When I got home, the land line was ringing (which I usually NEVER answer) but when I heard the robot voice of the phone announce "costco" I picked up. Turns out my credit card must have fallen out of my pocket while I was loading up the kids and the groceries in the car and a nice customer turned it in. Thank goodness!! Costco is apparently immediately supposed to shred any cards that are turned in, but for some reason the lady who called decided to call me and see if I wanted to come back to get it. So, guess where I'll be going tomorrow? So, a shoutout to whomever it was that picked up my card and turned it in! Thank YOU! You saved me from having to make yet another embarrassing phone call to cancel my card and send out a new one. Sigh. Funny thing is, while the first Costco card was never recovered, the other cards that I "lost" were once again "found" but only after having them cancelled and new ones sent. One was in my jacket pocket, and another was found buried in the recliner (I think I was ordering Christmas presents).

Day 208

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Random Thoughts: I probably could use an intervention.... Today while the twins were napping and Squeak was off with my mom (they go swimming on Wednesday afternoons) I took some time to organize the freezer. Everything was just shoved in there and difficult to find. There are still things in there that are in containers and I have no idea what's in them! Notice that I now have a labeling system, so that has been a huge help. Once we begin rotating out the unlabeled items and rotating in the new labeled items, I can organize them by date and put the older items in front to be used first. What? Did you think that because I was a librarian they would be organized in alphabetical order? Ha! The thought did cross my mind, but organizing like this makes much more sense. Premade/labeled foods on the top shelf, breads and frozen veggies next, followed by prepared foods that just need heating, and then in the bottom shelf all the frozen meat along with 15 or so ice packs (thank you, IVF). So, I went through and as I organized, I also took inventory of each shelf and am typing up a list to put on the door so we know what we have or not and nothing gets lost in the back! Call me a dork, or perhaps a person with too much time on her hands. Whatever. This just makes me SO happy!