Thursday, April 20, 2017
It doesn't matter that he just ate - he's gotta have what I have too! |
Places/Activities: Today was one of those days that I just didn't sit down until this evening before Yoga class, and even then it was to sit down and continue work on grading papers for that grad class I'm teaching. The day started and ended with laundry- and along the way 5 loads were done. I stripped and made all the beds, dusted and vacuumed upstairs and down, and cleaned most of the bathrooms. I even managed to squeeze in a trip to Costco with the littles (who had a great time btw), gave all three kids baths, mowed and trimmed the lawn, and swept up. Took out the recycling, and managed to get the big kid to dance, drop off a thank you card to a friend, and grade some papers before yoga. Right around the time that I was outside doing the lawn (D was working in the office, Squeak was playing in the basement, and the babies were sleeping if you're wondering how this manages to get accomplished) I was thinking to myself that I felt like an honest to goodness badass today. And then, just like that - the cord snaps on the weed wacker and hits me in the chin. "F*#@!" That was a nice smack back to reality and a reminder to be thankful for whatever it is we can accomplish in a day. This was out of the ordinary in that I was able to move quickly and EVERYONE cooperated. It also helped that D entertained the kids for me while I worked on schoolwork before the kids went to bed. I find that I'm most productive when I have more to do. Though I'm still behind. I have lots of books left to read before the end of my time off, and I'm SO behind on my drawing a day... sigh.
Race to the tubby! |
Reading:If you read everything I just typed out above, you'll realize that there was absolutely NO time for reading today. I wish I had a good book on tape, because then at least I could have done a little listening in the car.
Random Thoughts: If you are thinking about taking some time off to spend with your baby/kids... I recommend waiting until they are at least 18 months to do it if you have the option (just to maximize your time). The amount of growth I have witnessed in my twins these last few weeks has just been astounding. They've gone from walking to running, from screaming/screeching to talking (though they still throw tantrums), from ruffians to being more gentle, and from beating up on each other every minute to sharing toys, and even kisses. It melts my heart. And while a few weeks ago I was more than ready to go back to work, the way they share their love so freely with us just melts my heart and is only making it harder to think about returning to the daily grind. At the beginning of my time off, they were barely crawling, let alone walking and taking two naps a day, which really limited what we could and couldn't do on any given day. One nap a day is just perfect and we can usually go do something fun in the morning before lunch. Their little personalities are really shining through now and it's so much fun to watch! They are so sweet and SO much fun! It's also been nice to have Squeak in the afternoons after her half day of preschool. I haven't felt any guilt whatsoever about pulling her out of school so we could go and do something fun together with the twins. She's such a good kid, and so smart. But most of all, I hope she continues to be the kind, sweet, and loving little girl that she has become. She makes us so proud each and every day.
Costco fun! |
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