Thursday, March 30, 2017
Places/Activities: Today, D surprised me with a present. We typically aren't big on giving presents for our birthdays (although on occasion we might surprise each other). D likes to surprise me every once in a while with a thoughtful gift. My Acorn slippers that she got me last Christmas are getting a little more worn that usual just because I've been home and wear them all the time. She surprised me with these guys today - a lighter summer style - and I LOVE them! My feet are super happy and comfy! I can't remember much else of what went on today other than dance for Squeak and yoga for me!
Reading: I stopped by the library while Squeak was at dance and picked up another 35 books or so (I'm SO behind on my drawings for my drawing a day). I saw this book sitting on display and couldn't help myself (you know I'm an impulse reader). I'm SO glad I did. Definitely one of the most rewarding books I've read.... possibly ever. I just loved it. The words, the love, the messages... It's not a spiritual book by any means, but if you are lacking inspiration, hope, love, any of the above... I think you are going to benefit from reading it. Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende
Recipes: None to note!
Random Thoughts: Ok, so I have a bit of an embarrassing confession to make.... but since I've been a SAHM, I've lost four, yes, FOUR credit cards. Well, technically I didn't lose them all - D was responsible for losing one of them several months back when she thought she had given the card back to me in the parking lot while loading groceries in the car, but it most likely fell on the ground. Anyway, so yesterday I took the twins to Costco (I'm sure I've mentioned by now that we love Costco). When I got home, the land line was ringing (which I usually NEVER answer) but when I heard the robot voice of the phone announce "costco" I picked up. Turns out my credit card must have fallen out of my pocket while I was loading up the kids and the groceries in the car and a nice customer turned it in. Thank goodness!! Costco is apparently immediately supposed to shred any cards that are turned in, but for some reason the lady who called decided to call me and see if I wanted to come back to get it. So, guess where I'll be going tomorrow? So, a shoutout to whomever it was that picked up my card and turned it in! Thank YOU! You saved me from having to make yet another embarrassing phone call to cancel my card and send out a new one. Sigh. Funny thing is, while the first Costco card was never recovered, the other cards that I "lost" were once again "found" but only after having them cancelled and new ones sent. One was in my jacket pocket, and another was found buried in the recliner (I think I was ordering Christmas presents).
Reading: I stopped by the library while Squeak was at dance and picked up another 35 books or so (I'm SO behind on my drawings for my drawing a day). I saw this book sitting on display and couldn't help myself (you know I'm an impulse reader). I'm SO glad I did. Definitely one of the most rewarding books I've read.... possibly ever. I just loved it. The words, the love, the messages... It's not a spiritual book by any means, but if you are lacking inspiration, hope, love, any of the above... I think you are going to benefit from reading it. Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende
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Recipes: None to note!
Random Thoughts: Ok, so I have a bit of an embarrassing confession to make.... but since I've been a SAHM, I've lost four, yes, FOUR credit cards. Well, technically I didn't lose them all - D was responsible for losing one of them several months back when she thought she had given the card back to me in the parking lot while loading groceries in the car, but it most likely fell on the ground. Anyway, so yesterday I took the twins to Costco (I'm sure I've mentioned by now that we love Costco). When I got home, the land line was ringing (which I usually NEVER answer) but when I heard the robot voice of the phone announce "costco" I picked up. Turns out my credit card must have fallen out of my pocket while I was loading up the kids and the groceries in the car and a nice customer turned it in. Thank goodness!! Costco is apparently immediately supposed to shred any cards that are turned in, but for some reason the lady who called decided to call me and see if I wanted to come back to get it. So, guess where I'll be going tomorrow? So, a shoutout to whomever it was that picked up my card and turned it in! Thank YOU! You saved me from having to make yet another embarrassing phone call to cancel my card and send out a new one. Sigh. Funny thing is, while the first Costco card was never recovered, the other cards that I "lost" were once again "found" but only after having them cancelled and new ones sent. One was in my jacket pocket, and another was found buried in the recliner (I think I was ordering Christmas presents).
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