Friday, March 31, 2017

Places/Activities: A kid in Squeak's class went to Chuck E. Cheese about 6 months or so ago, and she brings it up every now and then about wanting to go. While we aren't in the habit of letting the kids dictate where we go to eat (let's face it - who really goes to Chuck E. Cheese for the awesome pizza?) we do occasionally like to surprise them. We likely won't go again for quite some time, but the kids really enjoyed it. I think that even if we didn't get on the rides or play games, they would have been happy and content to watch the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese show at the front of the room and eat pizza. My Dad and stepmom joined us. Something to keep in mind - if you or someone in your party are military/retired military, you are able to get a discount. The discount was $10 cheaper than the best coupon option we could find anywhere else. So, that was a plus! Also, we were there about an hour and a half (which was plenty of time) and used 30 "tokens." I've only been to Chuck E. Cheese 3 times before, but now the tokens have been switched over to swipe cards. A little less authentic if you ask me, but it was fine. I just hope I don't lose the card before I get the opportunity to use it again. Point being, 30 tokens was just fine for us for all three kids, so we have another two trips we will make at some point to spend the remaining points. It was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon, and the kids were all pretty tuckered out when we got home, so that was an added bonus.
Reading:Today I finished reading The Lost Property Office by James R. Hannibal. I thought I would like it more than I did... I enjoyed the catchy opening, but then it didn't hold my interest as well as I thought it would. I think this summer I am going to make it my goal to ONLY read Young Adult books to finish out my year of Stay at Home Mom reading. I need to prep myself with the latest and greatest before returning to work in the Fall! I don't feel "ready." We did start watching the new Netflix series, Thirteen Reasons Why. If you haven't seen it yet, don't start watching until AFTER you've read the book. The book was phenomenal. The show is good so far, but I loved the book SO much more!
Recipes: Tonight I made myself a home made milkshake - it was delicious! Ice cream, milk, and Kahlua! Nothing can go wrong with that combination - no matter how much of each you use! HA!
Random Thoughts: So, a couple of years ago a friend of mine (who lives out in Silver Spring) went to a spice store in her area and bought us a bag of cinnamon and a bag of pizza seasoning. I didn't really know what I was missing out on until I tried them. Holy smokes! SO good!! Typically, I buy whatever spice is cheapest at the nearest grocery store, and usually not until we run completely out. However, I started following Penzey's Spices when they received a lot of hate mail before and after the election for standing up for what they believe in and reaching out and being kind to others. In fact, their motto is, "Love to cook, cook to love." So, I bought several of their gift sets at Christmas time and gave them to a few friends and family members. A couple of days ago, I placed an order for some new spices to try, and today they arrived!! There's a whole facebook group for Penzey's Spices and I LOVE it! People are always posting the things they make, the spices they used, etc. My mother always told me to surround myself with the people who inspire me. And the people who inspire me are those who are creative, kind, and who attempt cooking! I'll let you know how we use the spices. But for now, I'm just excited to have them here to try! I know they are going to be good!!
Places/Activities: A kid in Squeak's class went to Chuck E. Cheese about 6 months or so ago, and she brings it up every now and then about wanting to go. While we aren't in the habit of letting the kids dictate where we go to eat (let's face it - who really goes to Chuck E. Cheese for the awesome pizza?) we do occasionally like to surprise them. We likely won't go again for quite some time, but the kids really enjoyed it. I think that even if we didn't get on the rides or play games, they would have been happy and content to watch the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese show at the front of the room and eat pizza. My Dad and stepmom joined us. Something to keep in mind - if you or someone in your party are military/retired military, you are able to get a discount. The discount was $10 cheaper than the best coupon option we could find anywhere else. So, that was a plus! Also, we were there about an hour and a half (which was plenty of time) and used 30 "tokens." I've only been to Chuck E. Cheese 3 times before, but now the tokens have been switched over to swipe cards. A little less authentic if you ask me, but it was fine. I just hope I don't lose the card before I get the opportunity to use it again. Point being, 30 tokens was just fine for us for all three kids, so we have another two trips we will make at some point to spend the remaining points. It was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon, and the kids were all pretty tuckered out when we got home, so that was an added bonus.
Reading:Today I finished reading The Lost Property Office by James R. Hannibal. I thought I would like it more than I did... I enjoyed the catchy opening, but then it didn't hold my interest as well as I thought it would. I think this summer I am going to make it my goal to ONLY read Young Adult books to finish out my year of Stay at Home Mom reading. I need to prep myself with the latest and greatest before returning to work in the Fall! I don't feel "ready." We did start watching the new Netflix series, Thirteen Reasons Why. If you haven't seen it yet, don't start watching until AFTER you've read the book. The book was phenomenal. The show is good so far, but I loved the book SO much more!
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