Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Places/Activities: Today our original plans didn't quite work out, so since I had the day cleared on my calendar, I randomly asked a friend who I've been trying to get together with for a while if she'd like to meet up. So, we met at the National Zoo. Despite a few hiccups (like driving in DC, trying to find street parking in DC, and then parking at the opposite end of the zoo from where she was located) we made it! There is a LOT of walking there at the zoo, but it's really nice. I haven't been to the National Zoo in over a decade, and I was surprised to see many of the changes they've made there. Zoos are one of those things that are both amazing, but also sad. It's heartbreaking to think that an animal is caged and is prevented to do the things it was born to do - hunt, climb trees, run, etc. I mean, I'm glad that scientists are able to study and learn about animal behaviors, that we have a safe space for these animals (many of which are endangered), but it is heartbreaking to think that humans are the number one reason for animal extinction - from habitat destruction to poaching. Hopefully zoos can educate all of us into understanding the importance of creating a healthy environment for all of us - including animals. Surprisingly, the twins did great (this was one of our longer outings). They were quite exhausted when we left and took a 45 minute nap on the way home.... which means they didn't nap once we got home. I put them in their cribs and they had a little quiet time, but never did go to sleep.
Gosh, I nearly forgot! Easter!! The bunny got creative this year and left a special hidden trail of clues for Squeak to find. I was so proud of her because she read all of the clues on her own (for the most part). It's kind of amazing to see how far she's come in just a short time. She's now very into reading on her own now and D and I are no longer able to spell words aloud because she listens to EVERYTHING and immediately knows what we are talking about. Sometimes I'm still processing all of the letters in my head for something D just spelled, and Squeak will say the words out loud. Sigh. Now what!? We need to learn a new language or have code words for things instead now.
On Monday, the twins had their 18 month appointments. I can't believe how fast this is going! I can't even call them tiny humans anymore because they are so big! Puff is SO tall - she has an inch on Bear. At the appointment, she was pointing out the ceiling tiles and said "square" and to the round vent in the ceiling and said, "circle." They have both been picking up words left and right. It's kind of nuts how fast it's going. Puff's new favorite words (well technically they are our favorites because we love to hear her say them) are "come here," "waffle," "cookie," and "snuggle" is STILL my favorite word that she says. She does this great thing with her tongue when she says, "socks" and she kind of lingers on the last "sssssss" making it sound a little snake-like. It's the best! I'm enjoying this stage so much more than 6 months ago. Now that they are both walking well (still tripping a lot though) and using more words, it's easier to communicate with them. Squeak has been such a good big sister to them and enjoys building nests for them (though mostly for her and Puff - Bear gets left out sometimes) and she has been reading to them a lot - which is great practice for her, and then they are also getting in some learning in, too. We are finally starting to reap the benefits of having the older child entertain the younger ones (thank GOODNESS).
Reading: A friend of mine recommended I read Catastrophic Happiness: Finding Joy in Childhood's Messy Years by Catherine Newman. It's been a fun read so far. And by "so far" I mean I'm only 40 pages in despite having started several days ago. As the twins are getting busier and the weather is getting nicer, I've been finding it harder and harder to sit down and focus on writing the blog, drawing, etc. They cry and beg to go outside, and it's hard to say no when the weather is so gorgeous! Although I could do with a little less pollen. I feel like each time I breathe in, my lungs are getting coated in yellow. Blegh. Anyway, back to the book... it's super funny and I'm finding that I can completely relate! I definitely recommend it to all my mom friends - especially those with more than one kid!
Random Thoughts: I have so many things that I think to put here throughout the day, but then my thoughts leave and I can't get the moment back again. I was thinking that I've been out of a routine for a while and I need to find a way back to myself again. I'm stuck in neutral so to speak (also the title of a really good YA book FYI). Well, technically two, Stuck in Neutral and Speak. Anyway, sidetracked by my randomness yet again. I need to get up earlier, fix my diet (which is difficult with the massive quantities of Easter candy we have hanging around), and get into a better sleep schedule. Which brings me to my random thought for today. What? Did you think that I had already spouted out my randomness already? Ha! Hardly! So, we've been doing what many would call, "binge watching" a tv show. A binge to me is watching at least two episodes of a show back to back before either a. falling asleep in front of the tv or b. going to bed. What happened to the times when you would look forward to that ONE night of TV a week because your favorite TV show came on (ahem, xfiles) and then you'd wait with anticipation for an entire week to see another episode? This was so fantastic. I'd hop into my jammies, grab a glass of milk, and sit there for an entire hour - waiting through commercials and everything, just to see an hour (technically 45 minutes) of my favorite show. But now... Now tv is released as an entire "season" all at once. Instead of watching one hour a week, we spend an entire week binging on an entire series (if it's good). Call me old school, but I kind of miss the waiting and the anticipation of the weekly reveal. We restrict the TV watching for the kids... maybe we need to do the same for ourselves. One thing is for certain... I need to start going to bed earlier.
Gosh, I nearly forgot! Easter!! The bunny got creative this year and left a special hidden trail of clues for Squeak to find. I was so proud of her because she read all of the clues on her own (for the most part). It's kind of amazing to see how far she's come in just a short time. She's now very into reading on her own now and D and I are no longer able to spell words aloud because she listens to EVERYTHING and immediately knows what we are talking about. Sometimes I'm still processing all of the letters in my head for something D just spelled, and Squeak will say the words out loud. Sigh. Now what!? We need to learn a new language or have code words for things instead now.

Random Thoughts: I have so many things that I think to put here throughout the day, but then my thoughts leave and I can't get the moment back again. I was thinking that I've been out of a routine for a while and I need to find a way back to myself again. I'm stuck in neutral so to speak (also the title of a really good YA book FYI). Well, technically two, Stuck in Neutral and Speak. Anyway, sidetracked by my randomness yet again. I need to get up earlier, fix my diet (which is difficult with the massive quantities of Easter candy we have hanging around), and get into a better sleep schedule. Which brings me to my random thought for today. What? Did you think that I had already spouted out my randomness already? Ha! Hardly! So, we've been doing what many would call, "binge watching" a tv show. A binge to me is watching at least two episodes of a show back to back before either a. falling asleep in front of the tv or b. going to bed. What happened to the times when you would look forward to that ONE night of TV a week because your favorite TV show came on (ahem, xfiles) and then you'd wait with anticipation for an entire week to see another episode? This was so fantastic. I'd hop into my jammies, grab a glass of milk, and sit there for an entire hour - waiting through commercials and everything, just to see an hour (technically 45 minutes) of my favorite show. But now... Now tv is released as an entire "season" all at once. Instead of watching one hour a week, we spend an entire week binging on an entire series (if it's good). Call me old school, but I kind of miss the waiting and the anticipation of the weekly reveal. We restrict the TV watching for the kids... maybe we need to do the same for ourselves. One thing is for certain... I need to start going to bed earlier.
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