Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 179

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The past few days have been busy. Sunday we threw a surprise birthday party for my stepmom. It was nice to see family even if most of the time you are trying to make sure your kids stay out of trouble, eat without flinging food, and still going down for a nap at a decent hour. I've been struggling with not getting sleep at night. I'm hoping that by the time I go back to work, this will go back to normal.

People: Thankfully a lovely friend of mine offered to meet up with me for a walk this morning on this GORGEOUS day. I tried to conceal my excitement of having another adult to interact with, though not very well! We took a nice long walk on the Trolley Trail and it was just wonderful. The babies cooperated, no one cried, and we adults got in a nice amount of exercise from pushing and carrying babies for 3 miles. I took a very quick video clip of the peepers (see below). I can't believe the peepers are out already!

Places/Activities: Today my mom picked up Squeak from school and took her to lunch. The offer was on the table for the babies and I to join as well, but let me tell you... it's just not enjoyable to take toddler twins out to eat at the moment. I usually end up with indigestion from eating so quickly. So, we stayed at home - which was much better. When Squeak and my mom came home, the babies were already down for naps and the three of us played Hi Ho Cherry-o and Sorry. My mom won all the games and it was nice to see that Squeak didn't react with tears and a fit in the face of losing. Instead she cheered on her Grammy each time she won. She's going to make a great team player.

I already mentioned that we went on the Trolley Trail today. And it got me thinking that maybe I should create a map of places we have visited this year to put out there. Each time we try a new museum, a new trail, etc. I'll do my best to update the map. If you click on the marker and scroll down, you'll see a picture and a description. I'm gonna keep this for myself, but feel free to view and share. If you have suggestions for me, let me know!  We are always looking for things to do and see! It's a little sparse right now, but I'm still in the process of adding things and this could take a little while.

Chores: Just a load of laundry today. No biggie.

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Reading: Squeak and I took a hiatus from Magic Tree House books (we left off somewhere in the 40's) and are now onto reading Magic School Bus chapter books. Yes, apparently "magic" needs to be in the title. But seriously, we are both really enjoying the combination of facts and fun in Magic School Bus books. Last night we read, Magic School Bus: Twister Trouble. She was very excited about it.

Currently, I'm reading book number 57 in my 100 book goal for my year as a stay at home mom. It's called, !n Pr@ise *f Pr#fanity by Michael Adams. I'm too early into it to be able to give my opinion of it just yet.

Random Thoughts: I'm fresh out of randomness today. Hit me up again tomorrow ;)

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