Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Places/Activities:Costco run on this very cold and very windy day. Squeak was off from school and we all needed to get out of the house from yesterday. While there, I had my picture taken for my passport (which is up for renewal really soon). Best deal on a passport photo ever - $5 and you get 4 little photos of yourself (even though you really only need 1). Best part is that by the time I'm finished with my shopping, the photos are ready for pickup! Excellent! My mom met up with us there and took Squeak to her house for a little while - which was awesome. I ran around and did all of the shopping while my mom walked around with the kids looking at books and flowers. She happened to run into a friend who commented how well behaved the children were. Then as she stepped away, she looked down and Puff had a purple flower in each hand (which she had apparently plucked off a flower arrangement) and held them up to my mother with a big smile and saying, "flower! Flower!" Like, look at me! I plucked off two flowers when you weren't looking! And your friend thought I was such a well behaved little angel! HA! Bahahahahahahaha!!! I of course had to snap a picture (because what else do parents take pictures of, except when our children are being either cute or naughty). Bear looks over at Puff like, "There she goes again! Oh, brother!"
I also popped over to the party store to grab special cupcake wrappers for Squeak. She is having a little St. Patrick's Day party at school on Friday and D signed me up to make cupcakes. I feel like I just need a box of these wrappers for each holiday. I imagine I'll be making quite a few of them over the next 10 years or so!
Good Deeds:Our neighbor was cleaning out clothing to donate and brought over some hand me downs to see if there was anything we needed for the kids. Super thoughtful! I found a couple of items that would work for the Bear when he gets a little older, which was awesome!
Chores: Laundry. I feel like I did a ton of other stuff, but I can't remember any of it. HA!
Reading: I'm reading a book called First Bite: How We Learn to Eat by Bee Wilson. I'm really liking it so far, and it's got some great tips for encouraging a wide range of foods in youngsters. Kinda cool. Sometimes I feel as though I'm being talked down to just a little, but it's not terrible. Maybe I'm just taking things to personally. Someone else read it and let me know what you thought.
Recipes: Sometimes I decide to do something creative... and it turns out.... not so hot. So today I decided I would use some of the kiwi fruit that we had to make baby food for a really cute baby I know. Except after I made the baby food, it was so dang good. I shouldn't have done a taste test. And then I let Bear and Puff had a taste test and they kept coming back for more, and more, and then I thought to myself that maybe we could turn it into something else. We have some whipping cream in the fridge that needs to get used... I wonder if I could turn this into ice cream?!? So, I made the attempt. It smelled so good! I added vanilla and cinnamon, and it tasted fabulous too! Kiwi, pear, banana, with whipped cream, all blended together and put in the freezer. Here's where I went wrong... I left out the sweetened condensed milk. On purpose. Because I figured it would be way healthier to not include it and the pureed fruit was plenty of sweetener for the ice cream. Which would have been awesome. Except that there's a ton of water in fruit. So, it froze REALLY well. And it's hard to spoon out of the pan... It tastes REALLY awesome. But you have to work really hard to get any on your spoon let alone enough in a bowl to eat. Sigh. Any suggestions for making ice cream without sweetened condensed milk? I'm all ears! I still have a fridge full of kiwi (did I mention we shop at Costco?) so I guess I'll be attempting to make another puree for that cute baby again in a day or two. This time I'll make sure it goes right into the baby food trays. No sampling!!
Random Thoughts: On Tuesday, I had just finished bathing the children and brought Bear to his room. He was wrapped in a towel and I put him on his changing table. But he was MAD. He did NOT want to be done with bath time, and he certainly did NOT want to have his diaper put on or to get dressed. Now, usually when one of the twins throws a fit, I just place them on the floor and let them cry it out until they are calm enough to be held again without flailing themselves all around (at almost 30 lbs each it is a challenge to keep them safe when they are in a full blown tantrum). I'll never forget the one time I held Puff on my hip and then as I was walking through her doorway to her room, she randomly got angry and threw herself backward - banging her head into the doorway. On one hand, it was probably good the doorway was there, otherwise she would have likely thrown herself right out of my arms. On the other hand, I felt like a crap parent because she injured herself WHILE I was holding her. Anyway, I digress... Back to Bear. So, I'm standing RIGHT there. Next to the changing table while he's having a fit. He typically throws a fit every night before bedtime and every morning before breakfast. Sometimes he'll hold a book to look at or a toy, but most of the time he doesn't want to have anything to do with it. He'd rather try and kick me in the face or the chest as hard as possible in order to fight having pants or a shirt put on him. It's great fun. So, I try not to acknowledge the fit because if I bring attention to it, he only works harder to try and injure me. Anyway, I reach down to the third drawer to grab out an outfit for him to wear, and that fast, he throws his entire body off the changing table. I watch in slow motion as his head goes down first. I don't know how I did it, but I reached my left arm out and grabbed his leg as it was in mid air. Next thing I know, he stops crying and I'm holding him suspended in the air, with his head about 2 cm away from the floor. I couldn't believe it. I was lucky he didn't break his neck. And I was standing there right next to him within arms reach the entire time. It was a bit scary. But it all ended well. And then he let me get him dressed. Maybe from now on when he throws a fit I just need to dangle him upside down for a second or two? Who knows. Suggestions for dealing with tantrums in which toddlers attempt to inflict self harm or harm to others are welcome!
I also popped over to the party store to grab special cupcake wrappers for Squeak. She is having a little St. Patrick's Day party at school on Friday and D signed me up to make cupcakes. I feel like I just need a box of these wrappers for each holiday. I imagine I'll be making quite a few of them over the next 10 years or so!
Good Deeds:Our neighbor was cleaning out clothing to donate and brought over some hand me downs to see if there was anything we needed for the kids. Super thoughtful! I found a couple of items that would work for the Bear when he gets a little older, which was awesome!
Chores: Laundry. I feel like I did a ton of other stuff, but I can't remember any of it. HA!
Reading: I'm reading a book called First Bite: How We Learn to Eat by Bee Wilson. I'm really liking it so far, and it's got some great tips for encouraging a wide range of foods in youngsters. Kinda cool. Sometimes I feel as though I'm being talked down to just a little, but it's not terrible. Maybe I'm just taking things to personally. Someone else read it and let me know what you thought.
Random Thoughts: On Tuesday, I had just finished bathing the children and brought Bear to his room. He was wrapped in a towel and I put him on his changing table. But he was MAD. He did NOT want to be done with bath time, and he certainly did NOT want to have his diaper put on or to get dressed. Now, usually when one of the twins throws a fit, I just place them on the floor and let them cry it out until they are calm enough to be held again without flailing themselves all around (at almost 30 lbs each it is a challenge to keep them safe when they are in a full blown tantrum). I'll never forget the one time I held Puff on my hip and then as I was walking through her doorway to her room, she randomly got angry and threw herself backward - banging her head into the doorway. On one hand, it was probably good the doorway was there, otherwise she would have likely thrown herself right out of my arms. On the other hand, I felt like a crap parent because she injured herself WHILE I was holding her. Anyway, I digress... Back to Bear. So, I'm standing RIGHT there. Next to the changing table while he's having a fit. He typically throws a fit every night before bedtime and every morning before breakfast. Sometimes he'll hold a book to look at or a toy, but most of the time he doesn't want to have anything to do with it. He'd rather try and kick me in the face or the chest as hard as possible in order to fight having pants or a shirt put on him. It's great fun. So, I try not to acknowledge the fit because if I bring attention to it, he only works harder to try and injure me. Anyway, I reach down to the third drawer to grab out an outfit for him to wear, and that fast, he throws his entire body off the changing table. I watch in slow motion as his head goes down first. I don't know how I did it, but I reached my left arm out and grabbed his leg as it was in mid air. Next thing I know, he stops crying and I'm holding him suspended in the air, with his head about 2 cm away from the floor. I couldn't believe it. I was lucky he didn't break his neck. And I was standing there right next to him within arms reach the entire time. It was a bit scary. But it all ended well. And then he let me get him dressed. Maybe from now on when he throws a fit I just need to dangle him upside down for a second or two? Who knows. Suggestions for dealing with tantrums in which toddlers attempt to inflict self harm or harm to others are welcome!
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