Places/Activities:After dinner this evening, we took a walk around the neighborhood. Puff held out her hands to point at everything as we strolled along. She laughed and clapped as we walked along, too. We had a fairly low key day today. In fact, the twins took TWO naps. This morning they were so absolutely horrid after baths, that I put them down in their cribs for time outs and they immediately fell asleep and took 2 hour naps!! So, while they slept, I baked, caught up on the blog, and read some books. Win!! Not to mention they also took an afternoon nap, too!
Reading: I'm about halfway through Commonwealth by Ann Patchett and so far I LOVE it. I'm hoping to finish at some point tomorrow!
Recipes: Today I combined some elements of the baby oatmeal recipe with some elements of the carrot cake cookie recipe I made a couple weeks ago and made carrot cake toddler breakfast cookies. They don't taste super sweet (on account of the fact there's no additional sugar) but the twins LOVE them. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know and I'd be happy to post!
Random Thoughts: I'm streamlining my categories here. You all know by now that I'm a clean freak and try to cram in as much cleaning as possible whenever I can. So, I'm getting rid of that category. And because I do it so often, I don't feel the need to write about it. There's something about the warmer weather that just makes your troubles go away. As I was outside in the sunshine this evening, when all of us took a walk after dinner, Squeak run up and put her hand in mine. "I love you so much, Mama. And I like it when we hold hands." Be still my heart. I love you too little Squeak. Trying to memorize these moments for always.
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