Sunday, March 5, 2017
People: Just the 5 of us hanging out today for the most part. Which is my favorite way to spend a Sunday :) We did have two friends come and visit for a playdate in the morning. Squeak, Puff and Bear were thankful to have a friend to play with and D and I also enjoyed having an adult conversation with someone other than ourselves, too :)
Places/Activities: Squeak and I went to the mall this afternoon while the twins took their nap. A pair of pants to return to the store and we bought some shoes from Stride Rite (yet another location going out of business and all shoes were 50% off). While we were there, Squeak rode the carousel. She's such a funny kid. She wanted to sit on the bench. I asked her why and her response? "I just wanted to try it because I always pick the horses that go up and down. I wanted to try something new." Can't argue with that. As we were leaving the mall, she picked out a cookie for a special treat - it was called birthday cake. Little did I know, but there was icing in the middle. She quite enjoyed it. When you have only one child, you don't really realize how wonderful it is to have one on one time with your kid until you add others to the mix. Now these little "dates" for Mama and Squeaker are treasured times for the two of us. When we aren't going to do things together as an entire family, we try and split up the kids when we can, just so we can have that precious one on one time with them - even if it's just to run to the mall to return a pair of pants or a trip to the grocery store.
Good Deeds: No real good deeds today. Although Squeak and I had a conversation about being polite. So many times random strangers will say hello, and I respond back with a "hello" but she does not. I told her it's okay to politely say hello and smile back when you are greeted by someone.

Chores: Sunday, funday. No chores today. I honestly can't even remember if the bed was made. I've definitely lightened up a bit on obsessive cleaning after 3 kids and over a half year off. Which isn't a bad thing at all IMHO.
Reading: I didn't do much reading today. Other than baby board books. We always read lots of those. So Many Shapes! is currently a fan favorite. It's the baby version of those Eye Spy books but instead of searching for random objects such as a cup or a bear, you are searching for shapes and colors. I had no idea the babies would be so obsessed with them.
Recipes: Nothing to note today. Though D did make confetti pancakes this morning. How do you make confetti pancakes you ask? Why, just add some rainbow sprinkles to your pancake batter! Squeak LOVES confetti pancakes.
Random Thoughts:Water. I don't ever drink enough. I'm fairly certain I've been dehydrated my entire life. I likely won't even need to be cremated when I die. My body will likely just "poof" go right to dust on its own. Seriously though, I REALLY need to drink more water. Well, forget the "more" part. I just need to start drinking water. I drink coffee mostly. On weekends, I'll drink coffee until the appropriate hour strikes, and then I'll switch to an adult beverage. Going to attempt to drink water each day for a week and see if I feel any "different." I'll keep you posted. The reason for this random thought? It was the first thing on my fb feed this morning for one, and for two, our kids pick up on the habits we have, whether that be not drinking water, smoking, reading books, watching tv, etc. I want to make sure I'm sharing my best habits with my kids (though I'm sure some of my not so best habits are rubbing off as well) whenever I can. I can't expect them to drink water if I myself am not. Thank goodness at least D is good about drinking water so they at least have one parent to look up to for this.
People: Just the 5 of us hanging out today for the most part. Which is my favorite way to spend a Sunday :) We did have two friends come and visit for a playdate in the morning. Squeak, Puff and Bear were thankful to have a friend to play with and D and I also enjoyed having an adult conversation with someone other than ourselves, too :)
Good Deeds: No real good deeds today. Although Squeak and I had a conversation about being polite. So many times random strangers will say hello, and I respond back with a "hello" but she does not. I told her it's okay to politely say hello and smile back when you are greeted by someone.
Chores: Sunday, funday. No chores today. I honestly can't even remember if the bed was made. I've definitely lightened up a bit on obsessive cleaning after 3 kids and over a half year off. Which isn't a bad thing at all IMHO.
Reading: I didn't do much reading today. Other than baby board books. We always read lots of those. So Many Shapes! is currently a fan favorite. It's the baby version of those Eye Spy books but instead of searching for random objects such as a cup or a bear, you are searching for shapes and colors. I had no idea the babies would be so obsessed with them.
Recipes: Nothing to note today. Though D did make confetti pancakes this morning. How do you make confetti pancakes you ask? Why, just add some rainbow sprinkles to your pancake batter! Squeak LOVES confetti pancakes.
Random Thoughts:Water. I don't ever drink enough. I'm fairly certain I've been dehydrated my entire life. I likely won't even need to be cremated when I die. My body will likely just "poof" go right to dust on its own. Seriously though, I REALLY need to drink more water. Well, forget the "more" part. I just need to start drinking water. I drink coffee mostly. On weekends, I'll drink coffee until the appropriate hour strikes, and then I'll switch to an adult beverage. Going to attempt to drink water each day for a week and see if I feel any "different." I'll keep you posted. The reason for this random thought? It was the first thing on my fb feed this morning for one, and for two, our kids pick up on the habits we have, whether that be not drinking water, smoking, reading books, watching tv, etc. I want to make sure I'm sharing my best habits with my kids (though I'm sure some of my not so best habits are rubbing off as well) whenever I can. I can't expect them to drink water if I myself am not. Thank goodness at least D is good about drinking water so they at least have one parent to look up to for this.
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