Thursday, March 9, 2017
People:I randomly texted a twin mom friend of mine (we met randomly at a Costco about a year ago and then ran into each other on two other occasions) since it was such a gorgeous day to see if she wanted to meet up for a walk. So, we did! The babies and I got in a nice 4 mile walk and they also had the opportunity to play at the playground for a little while (mostly just swinging). I stupidly forgot to bring the new leash along to try out and I was a little too nervous to have them both running in different directions.
I also got to see another friend for yoga tonight. We have been enjoying it so much, we're signing up for the next session!
Places/Activities: Walk, playground, dance, library, and yoga for me! My kids tend to frequently make a liar out of me. Literally JUST this week, a twin mom friend of mine was mentioning a new stroller she bought and how her twins wouldn't nap in it. I of course mentioned that mine NEVER nap in the stroller (because they don't) and then this happened.... (see right). BOTH of them fell asleep on our way home from the walk and playground. Of course for me, cat naps are dangerous. It tends to screw with the nap schedule. Thankfully they did nap, though it was a challenge for them to go to sleep initially
Good Deeds:My friend's husband offered to puncture the helium tank for me so I can take it in for recycling. Yay! So, I dropped that off to him today :)
Chores: 4 loads of laundry, bathing children, baking, dishes, paying more bills, dusting, vacuuming, baking cookies, book return and pickup from the library, and picking up paperwork for Squeak to go to school next year.
Reading: With as much as I crammed in today, there was no time for books for myself. Just books for babies. I didn't even get the chance to read a bedtime story to Squeak since I had yoga during her bedtime. Hopefully tomorrow!
Recipes: Carrot Cake Cookies!! And I'm SUPER PROUD to say that these are an absolute ORIGINAL! That being said, I never bothered to look up carrot cake cookies. I'm sure they exist somewhere. Anyway, you'll recall that I made Carrot Cake Oatmeal the other week. D suggested that maybe I try making cookies. I misinterpreted. Because I thought she meant dessert cookies but in reality she meant breakfast cookies. I'm going to experiment with breakfast cookies next. For now, here is the recipe for my Carrot Cake Cookies. I'm pretty thrilled with how they turned out. I love soft baked cookies, and these fit the bill! My Italian grandmother would be proud. Although she never had to consult a recipe. Everything she ever made was from scratch and she never wrote it down. I'm writing everything down so that if my kids actually like something I make, I can pass along the recipe.
Carrot Cake Cookies (makes 3 dozen)
3/4 Cup brown sugar
1/2 Cup white sugar
1 Cup butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 carrots - shredded
1/3 cup ground pecans
1/2 cup raisins
Directions: In a large bowl, mix sugar, eggs, butter, and vanilla. Add flour, salt, baking soda, ginger, and nutmeg to creamed mixture. Blend well with mixer. Gently stir in shredded carrots, raisins, and ground pecans.
Drop dough by teaspoon onto baking sheet (I use a silicone sheet and those things are AMAZING. Complete game changer for easy cookie removal as well as super fast cleanup). Bake @ 350 degrees F for 10 - 11 minutes.
Random Thoughts:A confession... Sometimes I run the vacuum just so I don't have to hear toddlers whine and cry. Something about whine crying when there is nothing physically wrong just gets under my skin. My children love other people. As soon as I walk in the door, the whining begins, and I feel deflated. As if I'm doing something wrong. Why
can't they just run to me and give me a hug and a kiss? Why do they have to scream? Every. Single. Day. It's terrible, but some days I walk around the house with the goal being to not make eye contact. As soon as eye contact happens, the screaming and clinging begins. I think back over the last 17 months and wonder where the hell did I go wrong that my kids act like this?? I'm praying it gets better when I return to work. Otherwise I may just need to buy a new vacuum because I'm pretty sure this one is going to be worn out fairly soon with as much as I need to use for a reality escape.
Benefits of having a tall/short spouse combo. So, about ten years ago, I bought two pair of sweatpants from GAP at the holidays. I love the style SO much, but I refuse to spend $40-$50 on a pair of sweatpants. Granted, I wear them every Fall/Winter and they are still in great shape after all these years. Well, I started to go into panic mode this year when I realized I would be wearing them a lot
more than normal and needed to get more or them in case I wore them out. I went out on Black Friday and got two pairs for $15 each. I was SO excited. Of course, then I washed them. Now I never wear them because they look like capris. Guess who benefits when my pants shrink up in the wash? Yep. D gets to inherit two new pairs of sweatpants. They will still be big on her, but super comfy.
Another random thought for the day... after picking up paperwork from the doctor for Squeak (showing she has all of her shots, etc.) it dawned on me that this process of putting her in school is just about as complicated or more so than buying a house. But then when you really think about it some more, it's almost like taking out a loan in that you are asking tax payers to fund your child's education. We have to put in a copy of our house deed to prove that we indeed live where we do. For reals??? Kind of crazy. Tomorrow she goes to the dentist and will need yet another form. Good grief!!
People:I randomly texted a twin mom friend of mine (we met randomly at a Costco about a year ago and then ran into each other on two other occasions) since it was such a gorgeous day to see if she wanted to meet up for a walk. So, we did! The babies and I got in a nice 4 mile walk and they also had the opportunity to play at the playground for a little while (mostly just swinging). I stupidly forgot to bring the new leash along to try out and I was a little too nervous to have them both running in different directions.
Daffodils are popping up all over! |
Places/Activities: Walk, playground, dance, library, and yoga for me! My kids tend to frequently make a liar out of me. Literally JUST this week, a twin mom friend of mine was mentioning a new stroller she bought and how her twins wouldn't nap in it. I of course mentioned that mine NEVER nap in the stroller (because they don't) and then this happened.... (see right). BOTH of them fell asleep on our way home from the walk and playground. Of course for me, cat naps are dangerous. It tends to screw with the nap schedule. Thankfully they did nap, though it was a challenge for them to go to sleep initially
Good Deeds:My friend's husband offered to puncture the helium tank for me so I can take it in for recycling. Yay! So, I dropped that off to him today :)
Chores: 4 loads of laundry, bathing children, baking, dishes, paying more bills, dusting, vacuuming, baking cookies, book return and pickup from the library, and picking up paperwork for Squeak to go to school next year.
Reading: With as much as I crammed in today, there was no time for books for myself. Just books for babies. I didn't even get the chance to read a bedtime story to Squeak since I had yoga during her bedtime. Hopefully tomorrow!
Carrot Cake Cookies (makes 3 dozen)
3/4 Cup brown sugar
1/2 Cup white sugar
1 Cup butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 carrots - shredded
1/3 cup ground pecans
1/2 cup raisins
Directions: In a large bowl, mix sugar, eggs, butter, and vanilla. Add flour, salt, baking soda, ginger, and nutmeg to creamed mixture. Blend well with mixer. Gently stir in shredded carrots, raisins, and ground pecans.
Drop dough by teaspoon onto baking sheet (I use a silicone sheet and those things are AMAZING. Complete game changer for easy cookie removal as well as super fast cleanup). Bake @ 350 degrees F for 10 - 11 minutes.
Puff puts food on Bear's tray to share. |
can't they just run to me and give me a hug and a kiss? Why do they have to scream? Every. Single. Day. It's terrible, but some days I walk around the house with the goal being to not make eye contact. As soon as eye contact happens, the screaming and clinging begins. I think back over the last 17 months and wonder where the hell did I go wrong that my kids act like this?? I'm praying it gets better when I return to work. Otherwise I may just need to buy a new vacuum because I'm pretty sure this one is going to be worn out fairly soon with as much as I need to use for a reality escape.
Benefits of having a tall/short spouse combo. So, about ten years ago, I bought two pair of sweatpants from GAP at the holidays. I love the style SO much, but I refuse to spend $40-$50 on a pair of sweatpants. Granted, I wear them every Fall/Winter and they are still in great shape after all these years. Well, I started to go into panic mode this year when I realized I would be wearing them a lot
Yes, I wore them out in public. |
Another random thought for the day... after picking up paperwork from the doctor for Squeak (showing she has all of her shots, etc.) it dawned on me that this process of putting her in school is just about as complicated or more so than buying a house. But then when you really think about it some more, it's almost like taking out a loan in that you are asking tax payers to fund your child's education. We have to put in a copy of our house deed to prove that we indeed live where we do. For reals??? Kind of crazy. Tomorrow she goes to the dentist and will need yet another form. Good grief!!
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