Saturday & Sunday, March 18 & 19, 2017

People: Saturday evening D and I actually escaped on a triple date night with four of our friends - which was awesome. The company was lovely, the drinks were fabulous, and the food was oh so good at the Annabel Lee Tavern. Check out their website - exploring their website is an experience all on its own! On Sunday we had several visitors - Granny and Papa came to visit and spend time with the kids in the afternoon, and in the evening our friend came over and made calzone for us. Squeak even helped :)

Places/Activities:Other than what was mentioned above, we didn't do too much. Typical weekend play
Chores: Not too much really. Other than cleaning up the kitchen. Though I did clean out the entire fridge. It looks so stunning now I don't want to use it. Ha!
Reading: I started and finished Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg over the last two days. I honest to goodness had no idea that Ruth Ginsburg was such a BADASS!!! Dang. One of the things that I found of interest was that she and her husband had more cookbooks than law books and they apparently covered an entire wall of their home. Kinda cool. The writing is entertaining as well as informative and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to learn a little more about the life of RBG. Definitely worth a read or a check out from the library.
Random Thoughts:
We've been through quite a few diapers at our house over the years. In
that time, I've been inputting Pampers codes online in the hopes that I
could redeem them for something useful for the kids. Well, the day has
finally arrived! I've turned trash into treasure! Check out what arrived
in the mail on Saturday! I'm so excited! Tickets for the family to go
to Sesame Place. This isn't a cheap endeavor, so getting tickets for our
family for free is an amazing benefit. Can't wait to take the kids.
Puff and Bear are really into Sesame Street characters right now, and I
think we are nearing the end of Squeak being appreciative of Sesame
Street, so this summer will be the perfect time to go. If anyone has a kid in diapers and doesn't save your points, I'll happily take them off your hands for you ;)
People: Saturday evening D and I actually escaped on a triple date night with four of our friends - which was awesome. The company was lovely, the drinks were fabulous, and the food was oh so good at the Annabel Lee Tavern. Check out their website - exploring their website is an experience all on its own! On Sunday we had several visitors - Granny and Papa came to visit and spend time with the kids in the afternoon, and in the evening our friend came over and made calzone for us. Squeak even helped :)
Chores: Not too much really. Other than cleaning up the kitchen. Though I did clean out the entire fridge. It looks so stunning now I don't want to use it. Ha!
Reading: I started and finished Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg over the last two days. I honest to goodness had no idea that Ruth Ginsburg was such a BADASS!!! Dang. One of the things that I found of interest was that she and her husband had more cookbooks than law books and they apparently covered an entire wall of their home. Kinda cool. The writing is entertaining as well as informative and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to learn a little more about the life of RBG. Definitely worth a read or a check out from the library.

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