Monday, March 6, 2017
A Blue Morpho landed on me! Bear wasn't amused. |
I feel as though even though I've been off over half a year, there's so much I haven't done that I wanted to do. So, today I kept Squeak home from preschool and we went to visit the National Museum of Natural History in DC. We live so close to so many fabulous things in this area, it would be ridiculous to NOT take advantage.
People: My mom came and joined us and spent the morning with us on our adventures today.
Places/Activities: Squeak was SO excited to see the bugs and butterflies today. I was so impressed with how she bravely put out her hand to hold a caterpillar. My little nature lover! Puff was very excited to get out and look at EVERYTHING we came across in the museum. She is a little more difficult to handle because she does NOT like to hold a hand and is quite the runner now. So, chasing her down while worrying about two other kids, a double stroller, and a diaper bag with your keys, wallet, etc. in a large crowd isn't really ideal. When I got home, one of the first things I did after putting the littles down for a nap was to order.... a leash. Yeah, I NEVER thought I'd be purchasing one of those. But for my own sanity, I think it will be necessary. I'll let you know how it works out. I went with the cheapest option that was available on Amazon. Overall, the kids did really well at the museum despite a rocky start of two toddlers throwing tantrums before we left.
Double trouble checking out the termite mound. |
Well look at that! Squeak found a rat! |
Good Deeds: Sometimes when we think we are doing a good deed, it's good to double check ourselves. Will doing one good deed cause harm to someone else? Recently some cub scouts came through the neighborhood on a windy day and hung plastic bags on the doorknobs to collect canned goods. About 90% of the bags blew away into the woods behind our house. So not only do people not know about the collection, but now we have a ton of loose plastic in the woods. Guess what we will be doing this weekend? Yeah, collecting plastic bags out of the woods. Squeak has voiced her opinion about being a Daisy Girl Scout next year, so this is just something for me to remember NOT to do when that happens.
Click on image above for affiliate link |
Chores: Laundry. Surprised?
Reading: I'm moving a little slower than normal. Hoping to finish my book today! I've got a LONG list to get through so I need to focus and move faster. Sometimes these little critters of mine require a LOT more attention than I think they will need for the day, so my little projects of reading and drawing get tossed to the side in favor of snuggles, cuddles, board books, and whatever else they need.
Recipes: Nothing to note today.
Random Thoughts: It's mind boggling how many people come up and say to me, "are they twins?" or "I've always wanted twins" or "I'll bet your hands are full" or "a boy and a girl, you're all done!"
I get at least one or two of these comments every time I'm out at the store, running an errand, etc.
Squeak holding a caterpillar |
Squeak held a butterfly on a brush. |
The best thing to say to a twin mama is probably, "let me help you with the door" or "your children are beautiful" or "you are a blessed mama." I still remember one of the nurses coming in to the hospital a day or two after the babies were born and saying, "a boy and a girl, how lovely! You're all done now that you have one of each!" My response was something to the extent of "well I already have a daughter, but I sure am happy to have two more children." I try to take everything in stride, but it does get a bit old to constantly have random strangers feel the need to make a comment about your family. I have friends with large families, and friends with small families, and friends who have always wanted a family... Don't presume to know and understand mine with just once glance. Yes, my hands are full... but so is my heart. Yes, they are twins. No, I've never thought about having twins (unless you count the number of times my friends and I wanted twins when playing the game of Life back in the late 80's/early 90's), and I personally feel slightly ill when random strangers presume to assume or wonder about my family dynamics and that just because a person has a boy and a girl child they are "all done" as if life can only be complete if you have one of each gender, or that if I had three girls I would still "need" a boy. Sometimes I'm still in shock that I'm a parent and that I was lucky enough to have THREE kids. I still can't even believe they are mine. Our family feels full and complete and even though they are more work, more money, and take more time than I ever imagined, I wouldn't change a single thing.
Do it! I had a backpack-style leash for Henry -- looked like he had a puppy on his back. Peace of mind. Tell any naysayers to stuff it
ReplyDeleteI never used a leash, but definitely support the use of it. I always think about children walking with one or two parents with their arms straight up in the air, over their heads, as they walk and hold hands. A leash does give them freedom and their arms at their level (giving them the ability to get into all sorts of things). As for the bags from the scouts, just know it may be from Girl Scouts and not the boys. I watched the girls putting them on our doors and was confused the the bag says Boy Scouts. But, inside was a paper note explaining that it is a Girl Scout event.