Dragging today. Rainy day… so tired…. scratchy throat…. clogged ears... all the signs of a pending ear/sinus infection. D has been battling the same symptoms ever since she landed for work this past Monday.
Bottles are almost behind us! (Thank Goodness) |
People: The only people we saw today (other than each other) were doctors. D worked from home today and during her lunch break she held down the fort while I went to a rescheduled doctor appointment. Then when I got back, she went to the drug mule up the street (this is what we call the immediate care place up the road in Ellicott City). You leave there with a minimum of 3 prescriptions. Sometimes 5. Turns out she had a double ear infection. Surprisingly, the doctor only gave her one prescription for an antibiotic. By the time she got home, I had dinner ready to go (just frozen pizza) after bedtime for the twins, I was the one who ended up going to the same doctor for head congestion. Except I walked out with 2 prescriptions and 2 free samples. I even turned down one of the prescriptions offered. Kinda nuts, right? I only got the steroids filled in the hopes that it will knock out the inflammation and congestion. Hopefully in a couple of days we will both be as good as new. Of course now the babies are snotty, too… Sigh.
Places/Activities: It feels like the only thing we did today was go to doctor appointments. We did manage to read some books and Squeak and I ended up putting together her little Cogsworth Lego kit she got last weekend.
Good Deeds: On my way home from my second doctor appointment of the day, I stopped at 7-11 to get D a blue slurpee for her sore throat. I got myself a peach lemonade slurpee too. Can't say I was overly impressed with the flavor. A little too tart for my liking. I can't tell you the last time I had a Slurpee. It's been forever!
Chores: Bills. Dude. This is by far my least favorite day of the month. It takes forever to sort out who made which charge on our joint credit cards. At least Costco Citi separates out the charges by who made them. But not Amazon. Everything is all clumped together and not only that, sometimes if you placed an order for 3 items, they might all ship out separately, thereby making 3 separate amounts list on your statement, which doesn't match the one lump sum listed in your Amazon orders. So, a few extra clicks (or my peeps who dealt with IFAS might call this "drilling") are required to find out the actual amount charged for each item. It's a big PITA. Thankfully the deed is done now until next month. Good grief!
Reading: One good thing about sitting in a doctor's office is that it provides a lot of time to read. It's kind of surprising how much more time I have during the day to read. Whenever I want to pick up my phone to look at Facebook, I pick up my book instead. Little patches of 5, 10, 15 minutes throughout the day to read and pretty soon, another book is checked off the list. Today I finished the book I started last night, Read Me Like a Book by Liz Kessler. It's a YA book and I think I was drawn to the fact that Jodi Picoult was quoted on the cover as saying, "A welcome reminder that love is love, no matter what."Yeah, that's great. But the book annoyed me. The author had a fairly well constructed story, but it was one that I felt sounded like every other book that I've read. It gets annoying that every time I read a book with a gay character that I have to read about the entire "coming to terms with my sexuality story."It gets old. I especially cringed at the part of the storyline where the main character Ash, has a crush on her teacher. She tries to cross a line but thankfully her teacher makes good decisions. Stories like this totally creep me out.
Random Thoughts: I had to change my clothes before going to my first doctor appointment of the day. I had already accumulated a significant amount of snot from Avy where he rubbed his face back and forth on my shirt and pants leg. Anyway, despite the endless amount of laundry I've been doing, I had yet to do the darks for the week and therefore did not have any clean jeans. I discovered I was able to wear my bright orange cargo like pants. I haven't really lost much weight, but seem to be firming things up a bit, which I'm ok about. So anyway, I put on my bright orange pants, my most comfortable t-shirt (which just so happens to say "Prison: An American Institution" on it, a grey sweatshirt, and my socks and sandals. It dawned on me that I must have been channeling my inner Piper from OITNB. Yet another item to the list of things I can do (but probably shouldn't) while being a stay at home mom!
Fun in the tunnel |
Poor boy. Soaked in drool and snot. Gross. |