Today was my first day as a Stay At Home Mom. I'm not going to lie. I was super stressed about this day. Deciding to give up a pay check for one year to stay home and raise infant (almost toddler) twins and a 4 year old was an extremely difficult decision. Especially for someone who craves adult conversation and interaction. But a series of circumstances led us to make this decision for our family, which we hope will prove to be the best option.
My mom always said that the year she stayed home from work to be with me was the best year of her life. I'm hoping for the same experience with my own kids. I want to document everything so that at some point they can read about our time together and know that I adore them more than words can say. Sometimes I get comments regarding the amount of things we cram into one day. Life is short. I think I'm just trying to fit in as much as I can in the short time I have here. I believe in schedules, organization (to a point), and maximizing my time. A balance of work, play, and sleep (with some coffee thrown in) is essential. I thought about it and realized that other than retirement, this is the only time in my life where I will have an entire year to spend with my family. A year to do something great. To raise my family. To make a difference outside the classroom. The years are short and the days are long…. I plan on maximizing every minute I have with this awesome family of mine.
People: Tonight was awesome. I got to hang out with some of my very favorite people at my monthly book club. We read the book Girl Waits with Gun by Amy Stewart. As part of book club we shot a bb gun at a target in the backyard. I was fairly unimpressed with my shooting capabilities. I could hear the taunting "You'll shoot your eye out" in my head as I aimed for the target. Thankfully I didn't shoot my eye out (or anyone else's for that matter). I doubt I will ever pick up a bb gun again, but it was fun for one night. As you can see from the look on my face, I was pretty excited when I hit the target.
Places/Activities: My wife and I like to trade off doing activities with each kid so that everyone gets one on one time with a parent. This morning it was my turn to take Squeak (our 4 year old) to the monthly Home Depot workshop. I look forward to these as much as she does! This month's activity was to create a white board. I was so impressed with how carefully she painted each side piece and she even hammered in all of the small nails by herself.
Good Deeds: After our Home Depot visit, we went to the Post Office to mail off some baby bottles we were finished using to the Cincinnati Zoo. Their animal nursery is always in need of new or used plastic bottles to use when feeding the baby animals. We picked up some adorable pet themed stamps while we were there so we could use them to mail off Squeak's thank you notes from her birthday party.
Chores: This morning I scrubbed the bathrooms down first thing. In the afternoon I mowed and trimmed the lawn - honestly one of my favorite things to do. It's one of the few times during the week that I am completely alone and have my thoughts to myself (minus that 90 seconds of time I lock the door to the bathroom to pee in peace).
Reading: We didn't get in as much reading as we would have liked today. Squeak got too involved in listening to her own readers instead! We did read half of the Magic Tree House Book, Tigers at Twilight though and the babies and I read several board books together.
Random Thoughts: Today. Was. Awesome.
My mom always said that the year she stayed home from work to be with me was the best year of her life. I'm hoping for the same experience with my own kids. I want to document everything so that at some point they can read about our time together and know that I adore them more than words can say. Sometimes I get comments regarding the amount of things we cram into one day. Life is short. I think I'm just trying to fit in as much as I can in the short time I have here. I believe in schedules, organization (to a point), and maximizing my time. A balance of work, play, and sleep (with some coffee thrown in) is essential. I thought about it and realized that other than retirement, this is the only time in my life where I will have an entire year to spend with my family. A year to do something great. To raise my family. To make a difference outside the classroom. The years are short and the days are long…. I plan on maximizing every minute I have with this awesome family of mine.
Places/Activities: My wife and I like to trade off doing activities with each kid so that everyone gets one on one time with a parent. This morning it was my turn to take Squeak (our 4 year old) to the monthly Home Depot workshop. I look forward to these as much as she does! This month's activity was to create a white board. I was so impressed with how carefully she painted each side piece and she even hammered in all of the small nails by herself.
Good Deeds: After our Home Depot visit, we went to the Post Office to mail off some baby bottles we were finished using to the Cincinnati Zoo. Their animal nursery is always in need of new or used plastic bottles to use when feeding the baby animals. We picked up some adorable pet themed stamps while we were there so we could use them to mail off Squeak's thank you notes from her birthday party.
Reading: We didn't get in as much reading as we would have liked today. Squeak got too involved in listening to her own readers instead! We did read half of the Magic Tree House Book, Tigers at Twilight though and the babies and I read several board books together.
Random Thoughts: Today. Was. Awesome.
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