People: This afternoon we attended the wedding of two of our good friends. It's funny how sometimes you have friends that you've had your entire life, and you think to yourself, "I don't need to make any new friends - I just want to spend time with my old friends." But then you meet some new people and you realize they were meant to be part of your life from the get-go. Our friends are especially awesome people with an equally awesome son (who has quickly become a favorite). The funny thing is that G and I worked together and I had know idea that she lived a block over from where we live. So, it's especially nice when your good friends also turn out to be good neighbors. Who can ask for anything more? Needless to say, we were thrilled to be there to celebrate them today.
My mom came to watch the twins so we could go to the wedding. She's so willing to step in and help us with the kids. I'm so grateful that she is still around and can be part of our lives.
Places/Activities: I got up early and decided to forgo to workout in favor of reading and writing this morning. The babies and I still took our morning walk around the neighborhood. They are so much fun and so easy to love! While the babies were napping this morning, D and Squeak stayed home to hang out while I went to the Post Office. I had to mail a package of clothing I sold on eBay. Turns out, the cost of shipping exceeded the amount of money I made on the sale. Lesson learned!!!
Good Deeds: D and I were discussing karma this afternoon. We both believe in good karma (as well as bad karma). About a month ago I received a coupon in the mail from Target to receive a $20 gift card when I opened a new baby registry. I was very excited for "free" money to spend at Target. I use the term "free" loosely because we spend plenty of money at Target on diapers, formula, groceries, clothing, etc. Anyway, I did end up putting together a new registry with a few items on it for Puff and Avy (they have birthday coming up soon!). I went and I cashed in the coupon. I felt guilty about it. Around the same time one of my twin mama friends posted about a woman who lived in Louisiana that lost everything in the flood. She was expecting twins and had another child as well. I sent a note along with the $20 gift card to her and wished her well. I can't even imagine being pregnant with my babies and losing everything I ever owned. It made me feel better about accepting the gift card knowing that I was forwarding it along to someone who I knew could really use it.
Chores: So, the weather is supposed to get cooler this next week. What does that mean? You've got it - clean out the drawers and start switching out clothing. When you have more than one kid, you save all of the clothes the oldest outgrows so it can be passed along to the next kid. Well… we have quite the pile of clothing that needs to be sorted. So, today I tackled part of that. Good news is that I now have a box of stuff to be donated, another box to sell, and Puff has a an entire "new to her" wardrobe ready to be hung in her closet.
Reading: I just started Becoming Maria by Sonia Manzano
Random Thoughts: It's been a long time since I've been to church, but the wedding this afternoon did get me thinking... We as humans have a set number of days here on Earth. If you are of the Mormon faith, when you get married, it's for all eternity. I'm not Mormon (nor were my friends who got married today) but it made me sad to think that D and I would only be here to love each other until death. I like to believe that even when we are both gone from here, that wherever we are next, we'll be together again.
People: This afternoon we attended the wedding of two of our good friends. It's funny how sometimes you have friends that you've had your entire life, and you think to yourself, "I don't need to make any new friends - I just want to spend time with my old friends." But then you meet some new people and you realize they were meant to be part of your life from the get-go. Our friends are especially awesome people with an equally awesome son (who has quickly become a favorite). The funny thing is that G and I worked together and I had know idea that she lived a block over from where we live. So, it's especially nice when your good friends also turn out to be good neighbors. Who can ask for anything more? Needless to say, we were thrilled to be there to celebrate them today.
My mom came to watch the twins so we could go to the wedding. She's so willing to step in and help us with the kids. I'm so grateful that she is still around and can be part of our lives.
Places/Activities: I got up early and decided to forgo to workout in favor of reading and writing this morning. The babies and I still took our morning walk around the neighborhood. They are so much fun and so easy to love! While the babies were napping this morning, D and Squeak stayed home to hang out while I went to the Post Office. I had to mail a package of clothing I sold on eBay. Turns out, the cost of shipping exceeded the amount of money I made on the sale. Lesson learned!!!
Good Deeds: D and I were discussing karma this afternoon. We both believe in good karma (as well as bad karma). About a month ago I received a coupon in the mail from Target to receive a $20 gift card when I opened a new baby registry. I was very excited for "free" money to spend at Target. I use the term "free" loosely because we spend plenty of money at Target on diapers, formula, groceries, clothing, etc. Anyway, I did end up putting together a new registry with a few items on it for Puff and Avy (they have birthday coming up soon!). I went and I cashed in the coupon. I felt guilty about it. Around the same time one of my twin mama friends posted about a woman who lived in Louisiana that lost everything in the flood. She was expecting twins and had another child as well. I sent a note along with the $20 gift card to her and wished her well. I can't even imagine being pregnant with my babies and losing everything I ever owned. It made me feel better about accepting the gift card knowing that I was forwarding it along to someone who I knew could really use it.
Reading: I just started Becoming Maria by Sonia Manzano
Random Thoughts: It's been a long time since I've been to church, but the wedding this afternoon did get me thinking... We as humans have a set number of days here on Earth. If you are of the Mormon faith, when you get married, it's for all eternity. I'm not Mormon (nor were my friends who got married today) but it made me sad to think that D and I would only be here to love each other until death. I like to believe that even when we are both gone from here, that wherever we are next, we'll be together again.
Bless your heart. Meant truly from my heart and not as a snarky Southern throwaway. I love your soul, my friend. I'm so proud of you. The path you've taken is so not my path or my jam but I'm glad there are people out there like you making incredible people for the world. I can't wait to meet them when they're 10! LOL
ReplyDeleteIt blows my mind that you were once my student teacher librarian. But, honestly, how lucky was I? You were not some green kid out of library school! You were already an AWESOME, polished, lauded, and inspiring public librarian who was coming over to our fold! You were such the BEST student teacher, I haven't had another! No one could ever top you, my friend!
Srsly, thank you for your insights, your big heart, & I DO believe in the hereafter and I'm sure you & D will be together forever. I'll bug you up there, too!
Cheers dear and much love!
Enjoy your year and your days!