Sunday, October 9, 2016

Day 37



Not a lot of interesting things to discuss today. As I mentioned previously, I'll be going a little light on the blog here shortly. I just opened up my online class this evening and more of my attention will be focused there for the next 9 weeks. But, I'll do my best to keep up!

People: A meeting for coffee and conversation this morning with a friend, and another friend joined us for dinner this evening.

Places/Activities: A fairly low key Sunday filled with football and a couple of friends.

Good Deeds: Again, nothing terribly good to report. But we did have a conversation about recycling today. It doesn't take much to do a daily good deed. Making sure your recyclable items actually make it into the recycle bin is a very important and good deed.

Chores: Today was a big party prep day. Made a ton of sugar cookies and bagged them up for the twins big birthday! I can't believe it's less than a week away!

Squeak sporting her bat headband
Reading: Today Squeak and I started Magic Tree House #29 - Christmas in Camelot. It seemed to take a lot longer to get through just 3 chapters. And then I looked. These newer "Merlin Mystery" Magic Tree House books are TWICE AS LONG! Good grief. I also started my next book - Nelson Mandela: South African Revolutionary by Beatrice Gormley. Why? Well, I feel like I have a gap in my brain when it comes to general knowledge about important people. There's definitely a gap in my education and I feel like I'm constantly in catch up mode. Thank goodness for books! Maybe that's why I gravitate towards nonfiction these days…

Random Thoughts: Squeak has been hung up on being Ariel for Halloween. Which I was kind of surprised about… She has seen The Little Mermaid, but I didn't think she loved it that much. Well, tonight she announced that she would prefer to be a bat for Halloween. MY BABY!!! A BAT!!! A girl after my own heart! Fingers and toes crossed that this sticks!! She could be little Stellaluna :)

They love hanging out in the crib together. I have to put them
in the crib while I alternate bathing them. They tend to wander
and have made it clear that they are no longer satisfied to sit
and patiently wait for their turn while playing with a toy. So,
for safety purposes they have to be penned! 

My "snuggle bear" as I like to call him. He's
looking so grown up!

Puff can't hold back her excitement while watching football!

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